Chapter 23 The Impostor

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A/N Don't hate me.....


“Oh darling let your body in,

Let it tie you in.

In comfort.”

-Anne Sexton


Floats Through The Sky


Earth is very different from my last planet. Or so I was told. Humans are complex and more individualistic than any other species we’ve encountered. That’s what they said before I made the choice of coming here.
And the moment I became aware of my new body, I knew it was all true.

The body feels strangely heavy compared to my former Dragon one and it has a lot of limbs.
I search for the right words to name them. Arms. Legs.
I take the time to explore this new body that is now mine. All my antennas are correctly bound and I am aware of the nerves they are connected to, the senses they steer. Hearing, Taste, Smell, Feel, Sight.
Slowly I become aware of voices close by.
“Vitals respond properly. It shouldn’t take long now. She can probably already hear us.”
Then another voice, closer than the first, and a touch on my skin. “Can you open your eyes for us, dear? So we can welcome you to Earth.”
Earth. I’ve made it. And I am eager to explore it. 
I try to find the right muscles to apply Sight. My eyelids flutter and I blink.
A young female face is leaning over me, but retreats as soon as my eyes are open. Dark long curls cup her face and she has kind blue eyes that smile at me. “Hello,” she says, “how are you feeling?”
“Give her some room, Rain,” another voice says, “give her time to adjust.” But he too smiles at me. “Welcome to Earth, little one.”
His hair is a dirty blond and his storm grey eyes are filled with concern.
“I am alright,” I say after accessing Speech. The words are a strange tangle in my brain and mouth, but I’ll learn to use it.
“Good,” the Healer smiles at me, “if you feel well enough then please sit up. I am healer Faces Many Storms. This is my assistant, Watches Meteor Rains. How should we call you?” 
A frown appears on my face. I had a name once, but it was very complicated. What would it be in human speech? “Floats,” I bring out, but it was more than that. Something with flying and fluent movements, but I can’t pronounce it with this silly little thing called a tongue. So I have to settle for a summary of all of that. “Floats,” I say again, “Floats Through the Sky.”
“Such a pretty name,” Rain says, “you were a Dragon, correct?”
“Thank you,” I say, “and yes. Your name is from Rock World?”
She nods. “So is Storm’s. We came to Earth together.”
I glance at Storm who looks at her lovingly. So they are mates then? I smile at the two.
“Welcome to Earth, Floats Through the Sky,” Storm smiles at me. I take the hand he offers me and carefully stand up. Walking is strange for me. I had no need for these stilts they call legs when I was a Dragon. We floated through the air. Something between flying and swimming. The air on Earth is so much thinner.
Storm steadies me when I trip. “Careful now,” he says, “you’re not used to walking. Let me help you.” He settles me in a nearby chair and kneels in front of me. “I know you’ve just awoken, but are you strong enough to answer some questions? There’s a Seeker here, the one that found you this body, and he needs some information. Are you up for it or would you like to wait?”
“I’m ready,” I say, “whatever the Seeker wants to know, I’ll answer it to my best ability.” It is my duty to help in whatever way I can. I already know what his questions will be. I just hope I have the answers he needs.
“Alright,” Storm says, “I’ll let him in, but first…” He smiles and steps aside for Rain who approaches me with a small object in her hands.
“We thought you’d like to see what you look like.” She smiles and hands me the object. It’s a mirror and I stare at my reflection in wonder.
Dark brown eyes stare back at me. My equally dark hair falls just below my shoulders. Is it a pretty face? Or just average? I wouldn’t know. My knowledge of humans is still limited. After a moment of debating I decide I like this face. I put down the mirror.
“Alright,” Storm says, “I’ll call in Carves Snow Patterns and I’ll leave you two alone so you can talk.”
“I hope I can help,” I say and I suddenly feel nervous.
“Don’t worry Floats Through the Sky,” the Seeker answers as he enters the room, “they are just simple questions. There are no wrong answers.” He sits down in a chair across from me. “My name is Carves Snow Patterns. Can you tell me more about your host’s body? We found her at the river in the vicinity of Tucson do you have any idea what she was doing there? Was she looking for someone? She was alone when we found her, but perhaps she was meeting up with someone?”
I close my eyes and concentrate, trying to access this human’s memories. I had already seen her last moments the moment I gained consciousness in this body. She had been running through a river, trying to get away from the Souls nearby.
“No,” I answer after a moment, “she wasn’t meeting up with someone. She was on the run. She had been running ever since we took over the city.”
Carves Snow Patterns sighs. This was obviously not the answer he was hoping for. “Does she know if there are other humans hiding close by?”
I shake my head. “She hasn’t seen a human since she ran. Her best friend was taken by the Seekers, along with the rest of the school. As far as she knows, she’s the only one that made it out. She’s convinced that her parents are found too.”
“What are their names? Do you know?”
“Harold and Caroline Dupree. They had a cook, Sara, whom she was close with. Her father was a Scientist. He worked at the Ritter Planetarium Observatory in Toledo, where they are from. Her mother was a Healer.”
Carves Snow Patterns nods thoughtfully. “Thank you Floats Through the Sky.” 
“Sky,” I correct him, “it’s so much shorter. And it sounds nice, don’t you think?” I only just thought of it, but it does have a nice ring to it. I try the name again in my head. Sky. Yes, it sounds perfect.
Carves Snow patterns smiles at me. “Patt,” he says.
“Hi Patt.” I giggle. It’s a strange sound. This body isn’t used to giggling. 
He laughs at me. “I think we have all the answers we need,” Patt says, “if you remember anything else, please notify me. Here’s my card. You can call me at any hour, even if you think it’s not important.”
I nod at him seriously. “I will. Anything I can do to help.”
“Thank you Sky.” He stands up and I follow his example, still a little bit wobbly. Walking is going to take some getting used to. 
He shakes my hand and leaves. Not long after, Storm and Rain come back in.
“Are you ready to leave?” Healer Storm asks, “and to explore the planet?” I nod vigorously. “You can stay with us for the time being,” he continues, “until we find you a place of your own.”
“That’s so nice of you” I say. 
Truth to be told, I really have no idea what I should do now that I’m here. Earth is such a large planet. I’d get lost without help. Humans really are dependent.
“So you’ll do it?” Rain chirps. “it will be so much fun! And you can tell us all about the Dragons.” 
“And I would love to hear more about Rock World,” I say.
“That’s settled then,” Storm says, “we live close by. Do you think you’ve controlled walking? You were my last patient for the day, so if you’re ready we can go home.”
“I’m ready,” I assure him. Even if I have to crawl, I want to start this new life and see more of it.
Rain clings to my arm as we walk down the streets. She’s so kind to help keep me upright. She chatters away about Rock World, but she has a pleasant voice. I’m sure we’ll be great friends.
Just like Emma and Ashley were.
I smile and take a deep breath. The sun is setting and I want to take in the last light of the day. Evenings make everything so pretty. It was my favorite time of day with the Dragons, though evenings looked different there. I can’t really remember them now.
I had so many friends there. Blue Acid went to the Bears. Circles the Sunrise chose that new planet, the Dolphins, I think. He loved Soaring through the sky and the Dolphins fly as well. 
Sleeps on Green Clouds stayed with the Dragons. I think she’ll settle on that planet. I miss them a lot, but I’ve already made new friends here. And on my first day!
“We’re here!”Rain chirps.
I look up. We’re in front of a large house with trees lined up at the drive way. It’s a lovely house and I’m sure I’ll enjoy my stay here.
“Let’s go inside,” Storm says and takes out his keys. He winks at me. “You’re probably hungry. Is there something specific that you would like to eat? If it’s not in the fridge, we can go over to the store and find it for you.”
“Oh there ‘s no need to trouble yourselves,” I say quickly, “I’m sure that whatever you have will be fine. There’s little food this human didn’t like.”
“Alright then,” he laughs. The lines around his eyes wrinkle every time he laughs. He has a pretty face.
“We’ll go shopping this weekend, “ Rain says, “until then you can borrow my clothes. Oh and we need to find you a Calling and…”
“Rain,” Storm says in a calm voice, “don’t overwhelm Sky. It’s only been a few hours or so since she arrived on Earth.” He places a hand on her shoulder and kisses the side of her head. “There’s no hurry. Let her settle in.” 
Rain sighs and looks at me apologetic. “I’m sorry. I’m just so excited.” 
I laugh. “It’s alright. I’m glad you’re helping me.” 
Rain laughs too and links her arm with mine. “Come. I’ll show you your room.”

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