Chapter 29 The Matchmaker

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“It’s selfish to love people and expect them to love you back.”

 - unknown source.



“And this is volcanic rock,” I pick up a green and white colored stone. “you can still smell the sulphur on it.”

Twenty faces between the age of twelve and sixteen stare at me with wide eyes and open mouths. I pass the rock around the room. Core is at my side, grinning widely. “See? I told you you’d like it.”
I nod. “Yes I do. Thank you for convincing me.”

Core slaps my shoulder. “Don’t mention it. Any time you want to give a lecture again, just call. The Center was very impressed at the Open House last week.”
A grin spreads across my face. I hadn’t planned on sticking around this long, but after the Open House at the Research Center came a demonstration at the museum and then a teacher from the local High School invited me for a lecture on rocks. Since Core came from Rock World, I asked him to come with me so we could explain the difference between the consistency of Stone on Earth and Rock World.
I actually enjoy talking about my Calling and there’s no one waiting for me at home, so I might as well stay here a while longer.

“Have you really been to all these places?” a boy asks, “did you collect all these rocks yourself?” There’s awe in his voice and I smile.
“Yes, I have,” I nod at him.
The boy sighs. “That’s what I want to do. It must be so exciting!”
“It is,” I answer, “there’s so much to discover on this planet.” I look at Core. “and other planets too.”
Core smiles at the by. “What planet did you come from?”
“I was a See Weed,” he answers meekly.
“So was my girlfriend,” Core smiles, “she says it’s a nice planet.”
“Yeah,” the boys sighs, “but not as interesting as Earth.”
“Every planet has its own interesting spots,” I tell the boy, “they are all special in their own way.”
The boy sighs but doesn’t seem to agree with me.
“Alright,” the teacher claps his hands, “I think that concludes our lesson for today. Thank our guest speakers for coming here.”
“Thank you,” the class chimes.
We say our goodbyes and exit the school.

“Lots of questions from the class,” Core notes.
I nod.
“That one boy from the See Weeds seemed interested in your Calling.”
“He doesn’t understand it though,” I sigh, “he can’t see that every planet is beautiful in its own way. You can’t compare them. They are all different.”
“He’s still young,” Core says, “and in comparison to the See Weed planet, Earth does have more variety.”
“I suppose,” I admit.
Core slaps my shoulder. “Enough with the serious talk. Let’s get back home. We were thinking about making a bonfire at the beach tonight. It should stay dry. Are you up for it? We can invite some of the others from the block. Maybe roast some marshmallows and sausages. And potatoes.” He grins. “Perhaps you’ll meet some nice girl. Who knows? She might become your mate. Nothing like a romantic setting to find your partner.”
I shake my head amused. Both he and Ocean have been making great efforts to find me ‘that special someone’. I appreciate that they’re trying to make me feel better, but I’m not looking for someone. Am I?
I follow Core into the house and greet Ocean who is in the kitchen, preparing food for the bonfire.
“Welcome back,” she smiles, “did you have fun?”
Core kisses her cheek. “We met a See Weed.”
“Really?” She pauses her work to look up at him, “what was his name?”
“We didn’t have the chance to ask,” Core answers.
“Do you need any help?” I motion at the food in front of us.
“Ah,” Ocean says, “if you could slice the bread for me that would be nice. And I still have to get the blankets from upstairs.” She smiles again. “I have already invited Blue Wing and Leaves in the Water. And Sings in the Dark said she’d meet us there.” She looks at me. “Sings in the Dark was a Bat. Maybe she knows your girl. Or perhaps you like her as well.”
“Are you trying to play matchmaker?” I ask her.
She laughs. “It couldn’t hurt Burns. Just get to know her.”
“Who else is coming?” Core asks while tasting a slice of meat.
“Blue Wing said she’d invite Root and Behind the Ice.”
“Good,” Core nods, “it will be nice to see them again.” He looks at me. “We don’t see a lot of them. They work in shifts at the Shipping Center. They are in charge if every cryotank that comes and leaves the planet.”
I nod in understanding. It’s a very responsible job.
Core slaps my shoulder. “I’ll go get the blankets now and when the two of you finish here we can go.”

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