Chapter 77 The Resurrected

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Bravery is being the only one who knows you're afraid.

-Franklin P. James.


Every eye in the room has settled on me now and I feel the heat rush to my face. I don't like being the center of attention. It's suffocating.

Under the table, Burns' hand locks around mine and he presses it gently.

"Well?" someone says snarky. I think it's Will. His anger only makes me more nervous. I don't want to be here.

"Hey," Blake says quietly, "look at me, squirky." It's the kindness in his voice that makes me obey and I see the worry in his eyes. "It's alright," he says, "just talk to me, alright? Like last night."

I swallow and nod, keeping my eyes trained on his. Strangely enough it makes me feel calmer. Blake nods and the corner of his mouth lifts slightly. I take a deep breath. "I was taken," I start, "by Seekers."

Everyone starts to talk at the same time.

"Shut up!" Blake calls, "let her finish."

It takes a moment before everything has settled down again and I swallow nervously. "Burns brought me back," I says softly. Burns' thumb strokes the back of my hand. A small token of reassurance. "He brought me back and now I'm here."

"That isn't possible," Evan says.

"She's telling the truth," Blake says to him, "she told me last night."

"Nate told me," Logan nods.

"She's human alright," Philip says calmly.

"Humans can't be brought back," Will growls, "we've tried before and every time the person died. It's not possible."

"It is possible," Burns says softly.

The attention is on him now. "You only say that to save your neck," Will growls.

"If he wanted that, he could have just kept quiet," I snap back, "and I could have lied. I could have said the scar in my neck was just a disguise."

"She's right," Kelsey says, earning a look of utter betrayal from Will, "come on Will," she continues, "just hear them out. If we can get people back..."

"Not everyone comes back," Burns tells her.

"He's already changing his story," Rob comments.

"No," Burns says softly, "I'm just saying... not everyone stays. My host didn't stay. Those of my friends didn't stay either, but there are some that linger. I don't know how and it's not openly spoken of, but it happens."

I grip his hand tighter. People are still giving us suspicious looks, but at least no one has attacked us yet.

"We think..." I say hesitantly and I glance at Burns. He nods at me and smiles. "We think," I continue, "that the people that knew about the Souls, that they have a better chance of coming back. Maybe the stubborn ones too. We're not sure."

It's quiet for a while.

"Do you know what this means?" James says suddenly, "our family and friends. We can get them back now. We can take back our planet!"

"What are we waiting for then?" Tom says.

"Hold on!" Evan says, "this is all nice and all, but if it's true, there are still Seekers roaming around."

"Then they'll be the first to go," Will growls viciously.

"Wait a minute!" Logan calls, "we can't just go around abducting people!"

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