Chapter 62 The Accused

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“You want to end all cruelty?” he asked, “and greed and all those things? I don’t think you can. You are very clever, but you can’t do that, no.”

 -Gormenghast book 1, Young Titus.




I watch as Emma enters the room with Sophie. She looks a bit uneasy. A moment later Blake is at her side and guides her to a bench on the other end of the room.

A stone settles in my stomach, but I grit my teeth against it. Of course she’d sit by him. He is human and from what I gathered they were friends before.

This was what I wanted, wasn’t it? For her to be back with humans. Then why am I feeling so bad?

They seem to get along rather well, they’re chatting amiably, and as soon as Emma finishes her plate, Blake pulls her with him towards the exit.

She glances at me now and catches my stare. He says something to her and she follows him out.

“Don’t worry,” Nate says, “she’ll be back.”

I clear my throat and look at him. “She seems to like him.”

Nate shrugs. “I believe their parents knew each other. They were in school together.”

I sigh and glance at the hall they have disappeared to. I wonder if there’s more to it. I remember now. She said his name in her sleep once.

“Are you done eating?” Nate asks, receiving some angry looks from te others in the room.

I nod. I don’t want to intrude anymore than I already have.

“Good,” Nate says, ignoring the others, “let’s go then.”

“Are you going to kill it now?” Evan asks.

“This discussion is over, Evan,” Nate says in a dangerously low voice, “I don’t want to hear another word about it.” He glares across the room, “from anyone. Are we clear?”

There are some grumbles and Evan grits his teeth.

Nate turns to me. “Come. Let’s find you and your sweetheart a place to sleep. You can’t crash at my place forever.”

Hastily I follow him out of the room, glancing at the remaining humans one more time. “Maybe it would be better if you did kill me,” I say to him.

“I’m not going to kill anyone,” Nate says.

“But I’m the intruder here. They are right. I have no right to be here. I am an alien.”

“Are you that eager to die?” Nate studies me for a second, “would you really do that to her?”

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