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Had a shit day at work finding out my hours have been reduced so I'm updating today because your comments always cheer me up and I need it today.

5 years ago today we lost the incredible David Bowie, you're missed but your music lives on. I also want to say a belated happy birthday to him, his birthday was two days ago and I missed it.

Amelia woke to her alarm bright and early, breakfast starts at half seven but you don't have to be there for that time. Stretching her arms above her head she sits up, glancing to her left notices that Brianna is already awake, "Morning Brie. Wow! Nice guitar."

Sat in Brianna's lap is a beautiful sparkly pink and white electric guitar, "Thanks," Brianna giggles putting it back in its case and starts getting ready.

"You been up long?" Amelia follows suit and starts getting changed, they had all agreed last night that getting dressed in front of each other is fine. The dorm is their bedroom after all.

"About 15 minutes, I was just checking to make sure it survived the journey here alright."

Once her uniform is in place, she applied a small amount of makeup. She doesn't need loads but since starting her first cycle in May she has a little bit of acne on her forehead. Amelia then sits on her bed to brush her hair, "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure," Brianna nods putting her glasses on

"I might be wrong and please don't take this the wrong way, I'm just being nosy but you don't look much like a dancer or actress. What do you want to do with your Arts education?"

"What do you mean?" Brianna frowns not catching her meaning.

"Like for me I know I want to be on the West End stage some I'm here for the acting but hair, make-up and music too. Jessica is here for the acting and music while is Rosie here for dance and music. What about you?"

Brianna drops down on to her bed brushing her hair, "I'm not much for being on stage unless it's playing my guitar, my focus is more on the backstage arts. I love costume design it's what I was picked up for by the talent spotter, I want to design dresses of events and occasions but I like music and photography too. Your right I'm not a dancer and I can't sing but I can act to some degree I'm just to shy on stage."

An unexpected snore from Jessica makes them laugh, "Should we wake them?" Brianna giggles.

Smiling Amelia shakes Rosie awake and she starts getting ready while Jessica is a much harder task. Shaking Jessica's shoulder she gets no response, "Get up, Jess."

"Noo..." Jessica whines.

"You'll miss breakfast."

There's silence for a moment then she huffs, "Fine," she sits up giving Amelia a hard stare.

"Don't give me that look, you've got five minutes or we're going without you," Amelia's not sure what it is but since entering the dorm room yesterday she feels the need to mother the other three. Which is odd since she is the youngest except Brianna who's birthday is in May. Jessica's birthday is October and Rosie's in February.

Fifteen minutes later the finally make it to the canteen and are relieved to see that they are one of the first groups there. "See," Jessica moans, "I could have had another ten minutes in bed." Amelia rolls her eyes and leads them to the food counter.


The first two weeks of school flew by for the girls, their worries faded away quickly and they settled into academy life.

It's Friday and once they finish school Amelia, Jessica and Rosie are going home for the weekend. Amelia can't wait she's missed her family. But the academy so far has been amazing the practical lessons are intense but she learnt so much already and her theory lessons have shown her just how much she has to learn.

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