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Once again an extra-long chapter, I just kept writing.

In the week after she escaped Amelia spent most of her time catching up on sleep and eating what she can. Though her stomach doesn't like the sudden come back of food, the rest of her body loves it. She regained some energy and her bruises and scars are healing.

During that week Amelia also received several calls from, John, Jer, Kash, Brianna, Rosie, Jessica, Elton and Bowie, all concerned about her and asking how she was.

It also took her a week to realise that the Christmas tree was up, "It's Christmas soon?" She smiles at Anita. Her favourite time of year, "But I haven't brought any presents."

Her words make Anita laugh, "Don't worry about that love. You've been through a lot, Christmas presents were the least of your worries."

"But I love Christmas shopping. Do you think if I asked Brianna she'd go with me?" She carefully sits on the sofa, "I need to apologise for what is said and thank her for the sleeping drops."

"I'm sure she'd love that but are you sure? It's only been a week?" Anita doesn't want to trap her but after three and a half months of constantly worrying if she's okay, it's hard to let go.

"I know but I need to get out the house for a bit, see my friends and I think a bit of retail therapy will do me good," She sips on her coffee, waiting to see if her tummy disagrees then takes another sip, "I need some new clothes too. The one at the flat smell of alcohol and are too big."

"I think it will help you to get some fresh air," Brian agrees walking into the room, "Have you thought about what to do with the flat?"

"I don't know yet. I'd loved the place when I first moved in but now I can only think of the smell of alcohol, being pushed against the walls and I could never sleep in that room again or that bed," Amelia concentration slides when Prince comes in.

He climbs into her lap nudging her nose with his head before curling up against her stomach, "Hello buddy, are you after some love and attention? I think a small part of Michael must have been alive because he never hurt Prince."

"Just make sure you hold me and Roger down when we're in the courtroom or we'll be behind bars too," Brian smirks.

"I'm sure we have enough to bail you out," Amelia laughs, "Has Miami been given a court date yet?"

"Yes, that's what I came in to tell you. The 28th of December."

"The media are going love this aren't they?" She rolls her eyes.

"They're not allowed in the courtroom but they'll be outside. Just ignore them," Anita reassures her changing the subject, "Hungry?"

Amelia nods, "Yes Christmas is coming and I am determined to have a proper Christmas meal with all the trimmings."

"We're at Roger's Christmas day so we don't have to worry about cooking it. And then we have the grandchildren on boxing day." Brian chuckles. Amelia rang Brianna that afternoon and they arrange to meet up tomorrow.


The time Amelia spent with Brianna was lovely, the longer she was out the more her nerves faded away and it felt like life was normal again.

The retail therapy helped too, she brought all her Christmas presents, keeping them small this year because she didn't have time to plan big things and she also brought some new clothes.

Christmas day Amelia woke up feeling happy for the first time since she went to L.A. She was the first one down that morning so she decides to cook breakfast for her parents, they've done everything for her over the past two weeks.

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