Baby Sister

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Wednesday updates are back to being afternoon updates.

Excited is not the word to describe Amelia at this moment. It's not because she will be 15 on Tuesday no, Brian had rung her that morning to tell her that her newest cousin, or her baby sister as she likes to call her, had been born.

Lola Daisy May Taylor was born at 3:38 this morning, the 2nd of April 2000. It's Sunday and the weekend Amelia stays in London so she is going to the London hospital to meet her.

On her way to the hospital Amelia stops at the local high street a finds a shop that sells baby gifts, she pops in and buys a beautiful light pink knitted baby blanket with daisies all over it. She also bought a gift bag and puts the blanket inside, borrowing a pen from the woman behind the counter to write on the tag.

The tube journey it to the hospital takes 40 minutes so she spends to time people watching. Amelia is now in year 9 about to finish her first year of GCSE's like she said she would, she choose drama, backstage arts, music and in the end decided on history over French though she is taking the after school French classes on Thursdays.

Her early growth spurt didn't slow down, she now stands at Roger's shoulder height and still growing. Puberty has been kind to her, her fine, shoulder-length hair is now thick, dark hair that sits at the middle of her back and she has maintained a slender figure. Not stick thin but not chubby either, she has two years of dance classes to thank for that.

Getting off the tube nearest the hospital, she uses the signs on the walls to find her way to the maternity ward. Asking the woman at the reception she kindly leads her to the right room.

Knocking on the door Roger opens it, a tired but happy smile on his face, "Hello Milly," He steps aside to let her in and she can see that she is the only one visiting at that time, Debbie is sat up in bed holding a pink bundle in her arms.

"Hi Uncle Rog, did I miss everyone? I would have been here earlier but had to make a stop," She holds up the gift bag passing it to Roger.

"Your alright, it would have been a bit too crowded anyway. Rufus and Tiger spent the night at Brian's, they brought them to meet her. You shouldn't have, by the way, I know this has come out of you allowance money, you should keep that money for you," Roger scolds her.

Amelia scoffs, "Brian forgets that April is the month that I don't need £50 since I'm home for two weeks of the month. Besides, I couldn't buy a gift for Tiger because I wasn't old enough but this time I am so just open it."

Debbie smiles when Roger opens the bag and shows her the blanket inside, "Thank you, Milly, she hasn't had a blanket off anyone yet, yours is the first."

"Can I meet her now?" This is the reason she's here after all. Moving to the side of the bed Debbie lowers her daughter into Amelia's arms. A smile spreads across Amelia's face and Roger takes the chances to go and get himself and Debbie a coffee.

Amelia chats with Debbie for a moment then she also takes the chance, while her arms are free to go to the bathroom, "Will you be alright with her for a moment while I go to the bathroom, dear?"

Amelia hums her attention trained to the little girl in her arms. Out of nowhere Lola starts to fuss and Amelia panics realising she is alone, she shushes the baby rocking her gently, "Hey it's okay, she'll back in a minute."

When Lola's fussing stops Amelia talks to her, unaware that Roger had come back and is stood at the door watching the scene, "You've got two older brothers and two sisters already but you have another sister and friend in me too. You've probably got the most overprotective family in the world and sadly for you, I will be adding to that."

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