Moving Forward

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The next day is busy packing up Amelia's room. Until the new year, Jim will live in the Lodge and then move to the cottage in Ireland, he will use the time between now and moving out to sort some of the things in the house but Freddie's stuff will wait until Amelia is older so she can go through it too.

Since Joe lives in the Mews next door to the Lodge he has agreed to watch over the house once Jim moves out, he will also be in charge of sorting the memorial stuff left for Freddie outside the wall.

Amelia asked him to move any gifts and letters into the house once they've been there a day or two and put them into a keepsake box. Flowers will be left by the walls until they start dying and then removed.

Phoebe also lives nearby and will manage the business side of things until Amelia is old enough.

Despite being so young she seems to understand that the wall is the only way dedicated fans can show their respects and grieve for the lost singer. Truthfully she envied them because she can't do that, everyday something happens that reminds her that he's not there and it re breaks the little bit of heart that is trying to rebuild.

Brian tries to make her see that it's okay to feel that way, for the first year there will be lots of moments like that and moving out of her home can't be helping but there's no reason to put it off any longer.

Roger and John have brought their cars over to help transport Amelia's stuff there not much big furniture since Brian already has that but there's clothes, books, teddies, toys, Romeo and Oscars things and lots more.

Brian shut the boot to Roger's car, "I think that's everything."

"Don't forget Milly and the cats," John prompts his friend, reminding Brian that they are still in the house. "I'll start heading over to yours, Brian and get started on this lot," the bassist gets in the car before the other two can say anything.

He doesn't like being in the Lodge now that Freddie's gone, too many memories and they hurt to remember. He was only there to help Brian.

The reminding two watch him pull away and Brian sighs, "I think Fred might have been right about Deaks."

Changing the subject Roger turns towards the house, "Come on, I'll help you."

They find her in Freddie's room clutching the throw that's normally over Freddie's bed, "Can I bring this with me?" Amelia looks over her shoulder at the two men, "It's been washed like the other stuff but it still smells of dad."

"Of course you can," Brian kneels next to her, "are there any photos that you want to bring with you?"

"There's one in the music room," she leads them out the room shutting the door. Jim doesn't sleep in there anymore.

She leads them downstairs into the room lifting the photo off the table next to the window, it's a picture of Freddie grinning kissing the side of Amelia's head and she is beaming at the camera. The two are stood in front of the Disney castle.

And just like tears sting her eyes and a wave of realisation washes over her, "I'm never going to see him again," she whispers. Roger quickly kneels wrapping her in a hug and she cries into his shoulder.

Once she calms down they head to the kitchen so she can say goodbye to the others, she gives Joe, Phoebe and Terry a hug while Jim picks her up squeezing her as tight as she squeezes him, "You'll come and visit right?"

"As often as I can," he reassures her, "And I'll be there for Christmas."

"I'll miss you," she whispers.

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