A Place of My Own

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Extra-long chapter of this one, sorry I just kept writing.

It didn't take long for Amelia to learn the script for Mamma Mia, she was ready and raring to go by the time opening night came around.

Her family came as promised, as did Bowie, Elton and Jim. John and his family were in the audience too though Brian and Roger were none the wiser.

Amelia loves working on the West End stage but the commute to and from London is killing her. Her 18th birthday is tomorrow which means she can legally own a place of her own but she doesn't know how to tell Brian and Anita she wants to move out.

They're glad to have her back in the house again and for a while, Amelia liked being back at home but after living with them for three months, she is ready to move on.

The morning of her birthday is a Friday but she doesn't have a show tonight due to the Easter bank holiday. Her working days for Mamma Mia are practically the same as Beauty and the Beast except for the added Thursday night performance.

Before going downstairs she pulls out the letterbox, she's excited about this letter because there is a present with it but sadly this is the last birthday card in the box. After grabbing everything she heads down for breakfast, "Morning," She grins entering the kitchen.

"Happy birthday love," Anita smiles making her coffee.

"Your officially an adult," Brian puts his newspaper away, "Are you doing anything for your birthday?"

"I'm meeting up with the girls in London we're going for a few drinks, staying in a hotel," Brianna, Jessica and Rosie staying in a hotel so they don't have to worry about getting home so Amelia agreed to as well, she'd be too drunk to make it home.

"If it's anything like the nights out we used to have, it won't just a couple of drinks so be careful. Now, open your presents," Brian encouraged her chuckling, "Oh and Roger apologises for not being here but he had to go with Rory to see the Uni she will be studying at from September." Rory is going to a university in Cumbria studying to be a doctor.

"That's okay. Uni is more important," Amelia smiles opening the present from Roger, it's a gorgeous grey and pink purse. Roger had asked her what she wanted and her old purse is falling apart so this is just what she needed, inside the purse is £20 and a note saying: Buy your first drink on me, Happy Birthday x

Jim sent her a card with £20 inside as did John and Veronica. Brian and Anita brought her a beautiful blue dress to wear tonight, Brian hands her a small box and inside is a debit card, "That is the debit card for the account your dad left to you. Miami has fully unfrozen the account and my name has been taken off it, it's your money now. There's also a statement with the current amount in there."

"Thank you," Amelia takes out the statement and nearly has a heart attack seeing how much is in there, it's enough that she could retire today if she wanted too but it doesn't feel right.

She doesn't want to use her dad's money, she didn't earn it so she will keep it as her safety net in case, god forbid there is a point in the future that she struggles for work.

She opens the card from her dad with £10 inside and the same message as Roger, for your first drink as an adult. She laughs showing Brian the message, "I think you might be right, I'm gonna be pissed."

Putting the card to the side she takes the letter and reads aloud:

Happy Birthday My Angel,

You're officially an adult now, my baby girl is all grown up. The gift with this letter has a blue jewel sticker on it and in 18th wrapping paper, please open then continue reading.

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