Baby: Part 2

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It takes Amelia a minute to realise where she is when she wakes up, the clock on the wall reads 7:40am. Yawning she rolls over on her back.

Looking around the hospital room her memory is jogged, Anita is asleep in the chair next to her but no sign of Freddie or Brian.

Sitting up a little she winced at how sore she feels, "Slowly love," Anita whispers sitting up to help her readjust the pillows, "How are you feeling?"

"Sore but happy, I thought you were asleep," Amelia smiles still looking around the room, "Where's Freddie and Brian?"

"Brian left a couple of hours ago to go to get the car seat and feed Prince. Megan took Freddie down to the nursery so you and I could get some sleep. She said..." Anita is interrupted by the door opening.

Megan comes through the door with Freddie crying in his hospital crib, "I think someone is ready for a feed." She lifts Freddie from the crib.

Taking the bottle and her son, Amelia adjusts his position and watches him feed happily, "Has he been alright?"

"Yes, I think you might be lucky. He's not much of a crier, only just then because he was hungry and when he needed a change, other than at he's very content," Megan smiles pottering about the room checking Amelia's vital signs.

Amelia takes the chance to look him over properly, checking for all ten finger and toes. He wraps his tiny hand around her finger as she counts and her heart melt.

He has dark brown tufts of hair on his head, his eyes are a very dark brown almost black but she knows that will change to his natural colour eventually, his skin is a slightly lighter tan colour than hers.

When he's done Megan shows her how to burp him and leaves them to it. Freddie settles back into his mum's arms falling asleep, "He's perfect," Amelia whispers eyes glued to him, she wished her dad could meet him.

Thinking of her dad, Amelia looks around the room for her hospital bag, "Mum, in my hospital bag there should be a letter and a present box. Can you pass it to me, please?"

"Sure," Anita rummages through passing her the letter keeping hold of the present while Amelia reads:

Hello my Angel,

Congratulations! You're a mum now which means I'm a granddad, you're probably feeling so many things right now. Scared, happy, a swell of pride and adoration for your little boy or girl.

The first time I held you I felt all those things and more, you were and still are the most precious thing in the world to me.

I never thought I'd have children and I didn't realise what I was missing until you came along. You kept me sane and from being lonely, I never thought I could feel as much love for anyone as I do for you.

You make me so proud every day and I wish I could be there with you now. Please open the present in the pink and blue box and continue reading before you open what's inside.

Anita takes Freddie so that Amelia can open the box, inside the box are three presents.

There should be three gifts inside, of course, I couldn't know for certain whether you would have a boy or a girl. If its a boy please open the blue gift and if it's a girl open the pink one. We'll get to the other gift in a moment.

Taking the blue one out she rips the paper off and inside is a soft Tigger teddy and a super soft blue baby blanket with satin trim.

Taking the blue one out she rips the paper off and inside is a soft Tigger teddy and a super soft blue baby blanket with satin trim

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