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Just a warning, some of the chapters are going to get emotional from here onwards for a while. I'll try not to make it to heavy and there will be some lighter chapters but for some of the chapters, it can't be helped.

Almost three weeks after the group came back from Disney Freddie was certain that his bandmates had forgotten about his promise to tell them his reason for the lavish holiday. But on the 1st of May, he was proved wrong.

He was enjoying some downtime in front of the TV when he heard the slamming of car doors. Looking out the window he sees Brian, John and Roger coming up the path towards the house and sighs.

Freddie is home alone Jim and Amelia are at the garden centre, Jim had announced his plan to go there this morning at breakfast and Amelia immediately wanted to go with him. Neither of them mind, Freddie gets some quiet time and Jim gets to spend time with his favourite little girl.

There's no knock at the door just Roger bargaining in as if he owned the place and before the singer knows it they are standing at the living room door, "Oh please make yourselves at home, don't mind me I only own the place," Freddie rolls his eyes.

John and Brian take the invitation making themselves comfy on the opposite sofa while Roger takes the chair, "So I believe to you owe us an explanation," Roger points out.

Brian nods in agreement, "Yeah come on Fred, why pay all that money and not let us chip in?"

"Why pay that money for Amelia while she's two instead of waiting till she's older so she can remember it better?" John quizzes.

Sighing Freddie stands turning away from his friends, he's already told Miami, Terry, Phoebe and Joe, each of them took the news in various ways. "I would love to take her when she's older, Christ if I could of I would have gone the whole hog and took her to Disney World. But my body can't handle such a big flight now and it never will again."

"What are you staying Freddie?" John frowns exchanging a look with the other two fearing the answer.

Freddie doesn't want to beat around the bush any longer so he tells them straight, "I've got it."

"Got what?" John questions not understanding his meaning.

"Aids. I wanted you to hear it from me," Brian, John and Roger felt their hearts sink.

"Fred, I... I'm so sorry..." Brian bits back the tears.

"Brian stop, don't..." Freddie interrupts him, "right now this stays between us, alright just us. Jim knows of course and Miami but that's it for now. Please don't fuss or frown about it or worst of all, if you bored me with your sympathy, that's just time wasted, time that could be used making music. That's what I want to do with the time I have left."

He pauses rethinking his words, "that and to watch Milly grow for as long as I can. I don't have time to be their poster boy, no I decide who I am. I'm going to be what I was born to be... I performer, that gives the people what they want. A touch of the heavens... Freddie Fucking Mercury."

Tears run down their faces, Roger speaks his mind, "Your a legend Fred."

"To bloody right I am, we're all legends," the four laughs taking a moment to let the new process.

"How will you tell Milly?" John murmurs.

Freddie shrugs, "I haven't the faintest idea. I can't leave it to long because she'll start noticing eventually but at the moment she's still too young to understand what death is. I thought she understood when Tom and Jerry died but a week after they died she asked me when she would see them again."

Miss MercuryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon