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"No, absolutely not," Freddie gave his manager a firm response.

"We need to do something, the media around Garden Lodge is getting worse by the day so by doing an interview it might satisfy them for a time. I'm not asking you to do it because I know you can't and you shouldn't have to but if we can't give them answers on your illness then we can give them the other thing they want."

Freddie glares at Miami as he sits next to his bed, "Feed my daughter to the wolves you mean?"

Miami sighs, he doesn't want to do this but the media are not letting up on the Queen family at the moment the two questions they want answers to are is Freddie ill and who is his daughter.

Rightly so they will not give them anything on Freddie's illness because that's private but they can give them the answer of who his daughter is, "She would have to do it alone but she has a slot on This Morning tomorrow for an interview if you say yes."

He's said it before but Freddie really hates to use his daughter like this, she shouldn't have to do this but the amount of press is getting ridiculous. Maybe it's his own fault for taking her to the Brit Awards but he can't change that now.

Rubbing his tired eyes Freddie sighs in defeat it's the first week of the summer holidays, they're going to their studio in Switzerland on Friday for the rest of the summer to get the album recorded, so he doesn't have to worry about her missing school for the day but also Amelia can't enjoy much time outside without being photographed by the press so he agrees, "But I don't want her there alone."

"Of course not, she does have to do the interview alone but there can be someone behind the camera, I'll go and I might ask Anita if she doesn't mind. I fear if Roger or Brian are there they will get angry. I'll ring This Morning to confirm when I get back to the office," Miami paused noticing the anger and sadness behind Freddie's eyes, "I'm sorry I've had to push this, I wish we could continue without having to answer them but I fear if we don't give them something then they're just going to get worse."

"It's not that," Freddie smiles sadly, "I know you're doing this for the safety of my family but it's not that I'm thinking of, I'm thinking I'm might by time to write my Will."

"Your Will?" Miami questions.

"Yes, you know the document that dying people write to leave their belongs to their family," Freddie rolls his eyes.

"Right of course, why now?"

"I go to Switzerland on Friday and I don't know how my body is going to take the flight but I'd feel happier boarding that plane knowing that its written just in case. If I'm still living after I can make some adjustments if needed but if I can sort the basics at least."

Miami wasn't expecting that. Freddie never talked of dying before he was always quite positive that he had a little longer lift, he sounded in control of his illness but this tells him that he is starting to lose that battle, "When I bring Amelia home from the interview tomorrow evening, we can go through it then."

Being that the studios for This Morning are in Liverpool they had to leave later that afternoon stopping at Brian's on the way.


Brian, Roger and John joined Freddie in his room the next day to watch the interview, none of them are pleased that Amelia has to do this but they hope it works in their favour.

The show came back from a break and Richard Madeley starts speaking, "Welcome back to This Morning our next guest is 5-year-old Amelia Mercury, daughter of rock legend Freddie Mercury." They play a short video montage of Queen at different concerts and events including a couple of pictures of Amelia.

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