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This chapter is Michael and Amelia central and a filler. Please read the note at the end of the chapter, it will explain why I am updating today.

"It's open!" Amelia shouts after the knock at her door. She's currently sat on the sofa reading through the script for Narnia, Miami had dropped off yesterday.

"Hey, I got your message. What's up?" Michael sits on the sofa next to her pecking her lips.

He'd been at work most of the week so she hasn't seen him yet to tell him about the role, "Miami found me a role."

"That's good, isn't it? What's that got to do with why I've come over? Not that I'm not glad to see you of course," He grins fussing Prince when he sits in his lap.

"Do you get holiday hours working at the Hammersmith?"

"Yes but I haven't taken any yet and they want me to book some time off and use those hours why?"

"Well, I need to travel for the role. Ten days in October in Queensland, Australia. I'd like it if you came to Australia with me?"

"I'm sure I can get October off, why do you want me to come?" He would have thought she'd want to go alone since it's for work.

"I'm not a big fan of flying, believe it or not, I'll be there for ten days and I don't really want to go alone," She shrugs but the look behind his eyes tells her he knows she's hiding something, "I'm also really scared of the fact that they have massive spiders and snakes there, I don't want to deal with them alone either."

He chuckles, "I knew there was another reason but fine I'll come if I can get the time off, just give me the dates and I'll sort it."


By the time October came around Amelia and Michael have been together for over 4 months. Brian dropped them off at the airport, promising to pick them up when they come home.

Sitting in their seats Amelia bounces her leg nervously, waiting for take-off. Michael frowns resting a hand on top of her leg to stop the trembling, "You really don't like flying do you?"

"No, I hated going to New York because I had to travel there and back alone. If I'm with someone it's not as bad but I still don't like it," She links her fingers with his and rests her head on his shoulder trying to settle her nerves.

As the plane takes off she squeezes his hand tighter and he kisses her forehead, eventually the plane levels off and Amelia releases her grip, "Sorry," She mumbles at how red his hand has gone.

"It's alright," He smiles, "So what's this role your playing?"

"It's for the new Narnia film, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. I'm playing Lilliandil, she's a star. It's only a small scene at the end but its a speaking role and I love Narnia so I'm quite excited by it," She's only going to be on set two days at the most but needs to be around longer in case they need extra filming. Around filming, she and Michael can enjoy a holiday together.

When the plane landed in Queensland, Amelia couldn't be happier to get off. She knew it would be a longer flight just not that long. They grab their luggage and head to their hotel.

It's right on the waterfront and once they check into their room she felt happy to be there, "I haven't been on holiday in years. I know I'll be working for two of the days but in a place like this I don't mind."

"This is my first ever holiday," Michael beams stepping out onto the balcony looking over the spectacular view.

She joins him wrapping her arms around his waist, "One hell of a place for your first holiday, we've got to go on a proper date while we're here."

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