Adam Lambert

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It's come to my attention that the timeline has got a bit confusing along the way because I move so quickly through the years, I apologise for that I will try to make it clearer in future chapters.

It's November 2011 and Freddie is nearly two months old. Amelia going to the Lodge to meet the staff that will be working for her come the new year and it's her first time going out without Freddie.

She feels like such a snob for saying she has staff for the house but Brian reminded her that he has a cleaner for his house and so does Roger, so it makes her feel a bit better about the idea.

"You sure you don't mind watching him, I can take him with me," Amelia worries getting her bag together. Anita happily agreed to look after him, Freddie loves his Nanny and Anita adores her grandson, the pair are inseparable.

"Are you kidding? She'd adopt him if you let her," Brian chuckles observing his wife and grandson.

Anita picks the boy up off the floor from tummy time, "I've been so busy that I haven't had much time to spend with him," Strictly Come Dancing has been keeping her very busy over the past few weeks.

"I suppose I need to get used to going out without him sometimes," Amelia gives in pulling on her jacket, "When is Adam arriving?"

"I said I'd pick him up from the airport at half-past two but Anita is out from 11 and I don't think it would be a good idea to take Freddie with because of the press," The media and fans loved the news of Freddie's birth especially his name.

"Well I'll be finished at the Lodge by 2 so why don't I pick him up? I want to meet him anyway," She'd like to meet him properly.

"That's fine with me, I'll let him know it's you're picking him up."

"You be good for Nanny and Grandpa," She turns to Freddie kissing his cheeks and nose making him smiles, "I love you I'll see you later," She kisses his forehead and turns to leave.

Freddie however does not understand why she is leaving without him and that she is coming back. He starts to cry and whimper, making her heart clench.

Brian recognises the heartbreaking look and encourages her to keep going, "He has to get used to it and understand that you are coming back," She doesn't turn back continuing to leave listening to Brian but his cries don't make it easy.


The Lodge is once again full of life with the re-modernising, Amelia hadn't changed loads of stuff but the kitchen has new electrics including a new oven to meet today's safety regulations.

She got rid of most of the yellow throughout the house it was her dad's colour and she was never very keen on it. It's replaced with cream or white and some over the bigger very expensive antiques have gone, sent to auction or antique dealers.

Having Freddie in the house she wants him to be able to play without worrying about knocking anything over. As a child, none of that stuff had bothered her but coming back as an adult that first time she felt like she was in an antique store or a museum and she doesn't want to feel like that in her home.

With the changes made to the house it feels homely, she knew her dad wouldn't mind, after all the letter did say to do what she liked with the place.

Amelia found Phoebe in the kitchen chatting with three women and a man, "Morning, the house looks fantastic."

Phoebe breaks his conversation, "Morning Milly, I'm glad you're pleased with it. I know you wanted to keep the staff to a minimum so there will be five of us, a gardener, two housekeepers, your cook and me."

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