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It took a couple of days for Amelia to recover from what Michael did to her, her back and legs throb but she can only treat them with what is in the flat.

Brianna dropped the clothes off as promised, Michael had answered the door but Amelia is thankful that he was too wasted to check inside the bag.

Amelia keeps the sleeping drops in the spare room in Prince's carry case. Michael would never think to look in there. A bit of the old Michael must be alive in there somewhere because he never hurts Prince.

She still hasn't found the photos but she has to worry about the letterbox as well now, she can't bear the thought of losing her dads words, especially the ones she hasn't opened yet. But a chance to look comes on the 12th of December.

"I'm going out to the shop, I won't be long," Michael announces as he grabs her face pushing her against the wall, "Don't touch anything. You wouldn't want to make those wounds worse."

She shakes her head teeth clenched in pain as he digs his fingers in and then releases her storming out the door. It's early evening so he's going to get more beer.

The moment his car leave the underground car park she goes to Michael bedside table, its the one place she hasn't been able to look in yet. She knows where the letterbox is it's just the photos she needs to find.

Rifling through the drawer she finds her phone, he doesn't know the passcode so she types it in and scrolls through her photos. She deletes her version of the photos but leaves the hundreds of text and calls alone, she knows he'll check the lock screen.

His phone will have to wait since he has it but she thought the drawer was a bust until she found a thick envelope right at the bottom. She could have cried with joy and disgust seeing the photos inside but then she hears a car, looking out the window it's his.

She quickly puts everything back where it should be and closes the drawer. She runs into the kitchen, her legs scream at her for it, grabbing a black bin bag and starts cleaning the rubbish and bottles. Trying to get loads done before he comes in so it looks like she's just been cleaning.

He pushes the front door open and hands her the shopping, "Put it away."

Taking it she does as he asks, she has the photos so she thinks of a plan while putting the shopping away. By the time she finished her plan is set in mind, she just has to make it look like she's been a 'good girlfriend'.

"Beer?" She asks him sweetly grabbing one out of the fridge and taking the lid off, she's getting out of here tonight.

"Finally you've learnt that you are my servant," He smirks dropping onto the sofa, "Yes. Keep it up and I might actually make love to you this evening."

Putting the beer in his hand she smiles, she can think of nothing worse but it's not for much longer, "I'm just going to lie down in the spare room. I think my time of the mouth is starting soon it's giving me cramps."

"Wherever," He screws his nose up in revulsion, "As long as it's not before tonight. I'll shout when I want another beer."

That was a lie to gave her some extra time in the bedroom, she doesn't start for another week but she already had a shower that morning so she can't use that excuse. Entering the spare room she shuts the door and finds the sleeping drops out of the carry case.

"Prince," She whispers, coaxing him out from under the bed, she fusses him for a moment then puts him into the carry case so he's ready to go. she hates to leave him in there for too long but hopefully, her plan will work and he'll be running around her parent's house by tomorrow.

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