Take a Chance

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Finally resettled in her flat Amelia is happy to be home but she is currently starring at her phone debating her next move, does she text Michael?

She told him she would be home by June but it's now mid-June and she still hasn't messaged him. What if he's moved on? Or what if he was joking?

What's the worst that can happen? He ignores her or messages back saying he's moved on and she'd be okay with that so she goes for it and she starts texting him.

Hey, don't know if you remember me, names Milly. You gave me your number back in January when we meet backstage in Wicked, anyway I'm back in London and keeping my promise to text you. I'm still up for that date if you are? She cringed reading it back over deleting it and retyping it three times before pressing send.

Then she waits trying to distract herself fussing Prince and watching TV but her eyes keep drifting back to the dark screen hoping it will light up.

After ten minutes of waiting she was starting to give up hope when her phone pinged, she snapped her phone up so quickly Prince jumped off her lap startled, "Oops, sorry buddy. Come here," She lifts him back onto her lap then opens the text.

Of course, I remember you, did you get rid of that green paint in the end? How about tonight for that date?

She couldn't help the giggle that left her lip, Eager much? She wrote teasingly, But yeah tonight is good, the diary is a bit empty at the moment. What time? And where?

Meet you outside Aroma, 6pm?

Perfect, She texts back. She's never been there but she knows it's quite fancy, expensive and serves Italian food, thankfully she knows where it is.

She decided to go all out with this date and she was just applying her make-up when she got a Skype call from Anita, cutting off the music she was listening too. She groans knowing if she doesn't answer they will assume something is off but if she does answer they will know she is going on a date.

Deciding that the latter option is the better of two evils, she accepts the call, "Hey mum," She doesn't look at the laptop screen just continues with her make-up.

"Hi love, I was..." Anita pauses noting the jewellery and makeup, "Are you going out?"

Amelia looks at the screen, "Yep so can't talk for long. What were you saying?"

"I was just checking if you're definitely coming to Roger and Sarina's engagement meal next weekend? They need to know for the table but never mind that. You're going out? With the girls?" One thing Anita knows about Amelia is she doesn't go out in the evenings very often unless it's for work.

"Nope," Amelia brushes out her hair before using the curling iron to define her waves a bit more.


She huffs knowing her mum's warning tone anywhere, "I'm going on a date. The answer is yes to the meal by the way."

"What!" A shout is heard in the background and Amelia looks at the screen in time to see Brian appear on the screen, "A date with who? You've only been back for three weeks?"

"A lot can happen in three weeks. His name is Michael..." She continues to explain the entire story, thank god she started getting ready ridiculously early or she'd be very late.

"Well if he's waited since January he must be keen, just be careful," Anita smiles, it's about time Amelia found someone.

"I will now, how do I look?" Amelia stands back so her mum can see the entire outfit on screen.

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