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So this chapter contains a big historical event that I just couldn't leave out because it was so massive. Sorry if it affects anyone.

Also, Happy Birthday to Lucy Boynton. Guys can we just take a moment to think about the fact that if Rami and Lucy have a baby, we will get an idea of what Freddie Mercury and Mary Austin's child could have looked like!

"But I don't want to keep using your money," She tells Brian for the third time. It's the summer holidays and Amelia is going through all her school equipment to see what she needs to get before going back to school.

The theatrical make-up in her make-up kit needs replacing, the stuff she is using is old and because this will be her exam year she wants to have fresh stuff so it all works as it should.

"So how are you going to pay for it then? You don't want to use the money from your account understandable but you won't let me give you the money either. I really don't mind Milly," Brian can understand where she's coming from but he'd rather spend his money on his family.

"I know but you've paid for everything since you took me in and I feel guilty because I can't pay you back," She knows her dad would have done the same but that's different.

"But I don't want you to pay me back. I'm your legal guardian and it's my job to pay for stuff, do you think I'd ask Jimmy, Louisa or Emmy for money back, no because I'm their dad. Now that Jimmy and Louisa are older and have started working they pay for their own stuff but if they needed it I would still help them. And I will always do the same for you," Though understanding flashes across her eyes he can see she's still not entirely happy with it. "If you really don't want me to just give it to you why don't you earn it?"

"Earn it?" she frowns.

"Yeah, I know that Roger is looking for a babysitter for next weekend..." He suggests. She nods leaving the room to call Roger and he gratefully takes her offer.

Two days before Amelia was in London on her way to the Deacon house, it's John's birthday next week but this is the only chance she's got to go and see him before his birthday.

She bumps into someone walking through Hyde Park to the tube station, "Oops I'm so sorry," She apologizes before looking up.

Smiling down at her is David Bowie, "Milly it's been a long time, look how much you've grown. How's ArtsEd?" He guides her over to the bench so no one recognises him.

She has a few minutes to talk, "It's going really well. I start my final year in September."

"Your last year? That's gone by too quickly, any plans for after?"

"No not at the moment but ArtsEd has its annual showcase in June and it's for year 11's only to show off what we've learnt and for talent spotters and such to pick people up for job's."

"Well please do let me know when the showcase is I'd love to see you perform especially after all your training and make sure you tell Elton too he'll want to be there," He looks forward to seeing how far she has come.

"Now I have a favour to ask, Roger mentioned that you are babysitting for him at the weekend so he and Debbie can come to my party. Me and Iman are in London for a couple of weeks and next weekend we are out as well and we can't find anyone to look after Lexi, would it be rude to ask you? I'll pay you of course."

"He never said it was your party he was going to but no, I don't mind at all," She smiles.

"You're a lifesaver, thank you. I know I can trust you more than some random person so I'd feel a lot more relaxed about leaving her for the night," David stands with her as she checks her watch.

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