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Monday morning Jim helped Amelia get ready for nursery, wearing her little black leggings with her favourite fox print green dress and a green headband to keep her hair out of her eyes. So she doesn't get attention drawn to her Jim will be the one doing the school run.

She races into Freddie's room to say goodbye. Freddie is sat up in bed enjoying his morning cup of coffee, "Oh don't you look adorable? My baby girl is off to nursery." He peppers her face with kisses making her laugh.

"Daddy, you'll messing up my hair," she giggles.

"I'm sorry," he grins sorting her headband, "Do you have everything? Bag, shoes, coat?"

"Shoes on my feet," she points, "coat and bag downstairs. I'll miss you." She leans into him for a hug.

"I'll miss you too my angel but you're going to have a good time and make some friends," Freddie decided to push his bad feeling to one side hoping he's wrong, "I'll see you later and you can tell me all about your day." He kisses her cheek once more and she hops off the bed taking Jim's hand.

Stood outside Tiny Tots Daycare Amelia suddenly becomes nervous pulling Jim to a stop. He kneels in front of her, "What's the matter darling?"

"I don't want to go in," she whispers bowing her head.

"But you're going to meet the other children, play and make new friends. You get to learn new things too and you love to learn," He tilts her chin up to see her eyes, "You're going to be okay sweety." He pulls her into a tight hug and they walk in.

A young woman greets them warmly, "Hello, I'm Miss Poppy and who's this young lady?"

Amelia hides shyly behind Jim's leg, "This is Amelia Mercury though she prefers Milly."

Miss Poppy runs down the list of names on her clipboard ticking her name off seeing the note next to her name, "Of course it's nice to meet you, Milly. Why don't you find the coat page with your name on it and put your bag and coat on it," she points to the alcove next to her with other kids coats and bags on different hooks.

"Go on," Jim encourages her and she goes to find her name, "Sorry she's a bit shy."

"That's perfectly normal for the first day but I'm sure she won't want to leave when you come and pick her up later. As she is only doing half days for the first week she will need picking up after lunch around 1pm."

When Amelia comes back Miss Poppy kneels in front of her, "We're doing some arts and craft today do you want to come and join in?"

Amelia nods but holds her arms out for a hug from Jim. He smiles kneeling to hug her, "I'll see you later."

He lets Miss Poppy lead her into the classroom before he makes his exits releasing the breath he was holding.

Looking back at the door Amelia sees that Jim has gone and whimpers, she sits at the last spare table alone all the other tables are full. She hopes someone will come and join her but no one does.

One little boy does approach the table, "Hi," she greets shyly but he ignores her getting some on the art supplies out of the box on her table and goes back to his.

Tears sting her eyes, trying to pass the time she grabs a piece of paper folding it in half to make a birthday card for her dad.


Jim came back at 1pm as asked and Miss Poppy waiting for him, "Is everything alright?"

"It might just be first day nerves but Amelia is very shy around the other children and she sat on her own for most of the morning. She became quite upset after you left but I managed to calm her down. I hope in the next few days she might be a bit more confident and mix with the others..."

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