Keeps Getting Better

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6th January 2008

Amelia has been in New York for a year and a half and she is still playing the role of Eponine, well until tonight that is. Broadway's production of Les Miserables is at its end, this afternoons show is the closing performance.

Stood at the side of the stage she waits to go on feeling sad that her dream role is coming to an end but she's played Eponine for three and a half years and she wouldn't mind moving on to something new.

What that is she's not quite sure of yet but she'll probably go back home and go from there. On her queue, she heads out on stage performing to the best of her abilities and savouring every last moment of this.

Going back to her dressing table when it was finished felt like it was over too soon but before she gets a chance to sit in her chair, Julian calls her into his office.

Walking into his office she expected to find him alone, she didn't expect the incredible Idina Menzel to be sitting in one of the seats in front of Julian's desk, "Milly, please sit."

She does has he ask and he continues, "I'm sure you know who this is. Milly, meet Idina Menzel, Idina this is our Eponine, Amelia Mercury."

"Ah... your surname explains everything, I thought I recognised that face. I never met him but your father is a legend and your performance as Eponine is stunning," She smiles.

"Thank you that means a lot coming from someone so well known in theatre."

Julian pipes up again, "Now you'll be wondering why I've called you in here. Idina as an opportunity for you."

"For me?"

"Yes," Idina smiles, "Wicked reopened it's doors in 2005 and will continue to run until May of 2009. The current woman staring as Elphaba is sadly leaving in at the end of February this year due to illness and someone needs to replace her. The director asked me to search for the right person and mentor her to be ready on the 1st of March. I'd like to offer you the role."

"Of Elphaba? But why me?"

Julian sighs, "Despite being very talented Milly struggles to believe in herself."

"Well you should," Idina leans forward squeezing Amelia's hand, "You have a natural talent for the stage and you have an impressive list of credits behind you, Belle in Beauty and the Beast, Sophie in Mamma Mia, Scaramouche in We Will Rock You and now Eponine. You're already a leading lady in the West End and I believe Elphaba is the next one to be added to that list. You sang On My Own beautifully but there is a power behind your voice that has yet to be heard. Do you accept?"

As much as she misses her family, she'd love to play this role after Eponine she'd have to say this would be her next dream role, "I accept."

Idina beams, "I'm so glad, I'll ring the director and let him know I've found someone. Take a few days to rest and be at this theatre next Monday," She passes her a note with the address on it. She also routes through her bag pulling out the booklet, "This is the script learn what you can before Monday."

"Thank you," Amelia beams taking the script watching the woman leave.


Because of what time she got home Amelia had to wait until the next afternoon to Skype her family, it took a few minutes but eventually Brian, Anita and Roger appear on the screen of her laptop, "Hey guys," She smiles.

"Hey, how was your last night?" Brian asks returning the smile.

"Sad but like you said it wasn't going to last forever, I'm glad I got to play her."

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