🐍Chapter 5 - Year 1🐍

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I woke up feeling really good, don't know exactly why, but I did. I was the first up in my dorm, which made me wonder if it the time was early, but when I looked at my clock, we were actually pretty late.

I got up really quick, dropping poor Vanilla on the floor. I go to Pansy's bed and start to shake her, then doing the same with Daphne, but they didn't even flinched. I shook them again and nothing. I looked at my clock once more, realizing that we had already missed breakfast if we didn't want to be late. So I decided to change from more radical methods.

I entered the bathroom and filled a glass with water, coming back to the dorm and throwing the water at them, thankfully, that worked.

"Elizabeth, what's wrong with you?" Pansy said, and she did not looked happy.

"We are late, if we don't get up now we won't get to class in time, possibly earning a detention, and we already missed breakfast, so hurry" I explained the whole situation to them while running through the dorm to get my robes on.

"Shit!" Daphne said in a very annoyed tone while she ran to the bathroom to brush her teeth.

The dorm was in a rush, we were running everywhere, yelling at each other, looking for missing books. It was absolute madness.

We managed to get dressed and run to our first lesson, charms, and still be on time, by two minutes.

We entered the classroom and noticed the boys already there, we took a seat behind them, and when we finally calmed down and sat on the chair, my stomach started making noises.

"Oh my god I'm so hungry" I said looking at Daphne and Pansy, who were both seating on my left.

"Yeah me too" they both said in unison, while putting their hands in their stomach.

"We figured" we heard two voices in front of us say, and when they turned around to look at us it was Blaise and Theo.

"Lucky for you girls, we were in a very good mood this morning" Blaise said as he opened his bag and pulled out a little bag with toasts and handed them to us.

"Oh sweet Salazar, Blaise, you are an angel" Pansy said grabbing the bag out of Blaise's hand, and she place a kiss on his cheek.

Daphne and I looked at each other smirking, and when Pansy noticed our reaction, she looked at us with a confused expression while handing us a toast of the bag.

"What?" she questioned us, but we just looked at each other, gave a small smile and turned to look at the professor who was now at the front of the class. Jesus he is small. Pansy rolled her eyes at me and Daphne, and before she could respond, the class begun.

The next class was going to be flying with the Gryffindors. My friends and I get to the pitch, finding almost all of the other students, and the teacher, already there.

Madam Hooch, the flying instructor, told us to stand on the left side of our brooms, put the right hand above it, and yell "up".

Everyone started to yell at their brooms, most of the students didn't seem pretty successful, the only two that got the broom up in the first try was Malfoy and my brother.

Ron even got hit on the face by the broomstick, so as Daphne. It took me a lot of tries, but I finally managed to pick up the broom.

When everyone managed to pick their broom up, the professor told us to mount it. All of the students doing as she told.

"When I blow my whistle, I want each of you to kick off from the ground hard. Keep your broom steady, hover for a moment, then lean forward slightly, and touch back down" everyone started to get ready for when she whistles.

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