🐍Chapter 15 - Year 2🐍

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I woke up felling something tickling my nose, I lifted my head a bit to see it was Vanilla's tail. Seeing that she was craving attention, I sat upright on my bed and started to stroke her back. She begun purring at the action.

I slowly got up from the bed and went to the bathroom to take a shower and Vanilla followed me there. After I was all nice and clean I put on a pair of jeans, black converse and a light green cropped.

I picked up Vanilla and left the bathroom, when I did, Pansy and Daphne were already up and also dressed, so I put Vanilla back on my bed and went to the door to leave the dorm and go to the great hall for breakfast.

When I closed the door to the dorm, I felt something in my leg, I looked down and saw Vanilla, again, sitting unbothered on my leg.

"You are very needy today miss" I said picking her up and talking in a sickening cute and hight pitched voice.

She meowed in response.

"You're lucky today is Saturday and I can take you with me" I said adjusting her in my arms and stroking her back soothingly. I begun walking and gestured for Daphne and Pansy to follow me.

We left the dungeons and went to the great hall, we spot Blaise, Draco and Theo already on our usual spot on the Slytherin table, so we just walked towards them.

"Morning" Daphne greeted the boys when we sat down.

"Morning" the three boys said in unison.

"Are you excited Draco?" Pansy asked the platinum haired boy who seemed a little nervous.

I forgot to mention. Today was happening the first quidditch match of the season, Slytherin vs. Gryffindor. That will also be the first match that Draco would play in, because he was the new Slytherin seeker since the last one, Terrence Higgs, graduated last year. Hence why he seemed nervous.

"I'm a little nervous actually" Draco responded to Pansy's question. He seemed so nervous that I almost felt bad for him.

"Well, don't be. I'm sure you'll do great" Daphne said giving Draco's hand a light squeeze and a reassuring smile.

"Thanks Daph, but I'm not really nervous about that. I know I'm gonna be awesome" that's the cocky remark I was waiting for "it's because Dumbledore invited my father to come, and I really don't want to let him down" he said looking down at his plate, I noticed that he didn't touched his food because the eggs and the toast were intact.

"Hey, don't worry about it. I can assure you you're gonna be great" I said giving Draco a kind and reassuring smile, then turning my gaze back to Vanilla.

The table went silent for a moment, and Draco had a confused expression plastered across his face. They're probably thinking why was I just nice to Malfoy instead of picking on him, but, as I said before, I felt a little bad for him. If I were on his place I would want as much help as possible, so I thought that a few reassuring words would do him good.

"Thanks Potter" he said, then he looked down at his watch to check the time "shoot, I need to go to the lockers, see you guys later" he sprinted out of the great hall and grab a toast so he wouldn't starve and passed out on his first match.

When Draco was completely out of the great hall I noticed four pair of eyes looking directly at me.

"What?" I asked them.

"Did I see that right? Were you just genuinely nice to Draco?" Blaise asked me. For me, he was being a little dramatic about it, but whatever.

"What? He was clearly nervous about the game and his father being here, I thought I'd support him. If I were in his place I would like as much support as possible" I shrugged "besides, just because one of our conversations weren't bickering doesn't mean that we're friends" I looked down at Vanilla then back at the table, reaching for a strawberry and giving it to her.

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