🐍Chapter 9 - Year 1🐍

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Today was my detention with Draco and the trio. I woke up, went to breakfast then went to my classes. The day was passing by very quick. And it was now time for my detention.

All five of us were walking to outside the castle alongside Filch, and apparently we were going towards Hagrid's hut. Ironically since that was basically the reason of why we were all in detention.

"A pity they let the old punishments die" Filch started talking while taking us to detention "it was a time detention had you hanging by your thumbs in the dungeons. God I miss the screaming" when he finished I was wide eyed by his statement. I swear to Merlin this man is sadistic.

We kept walking in silence a little bit longer until we finally reached Hagrid's hut. He was already outside of it with a dog and something in his hand, he looked sad.

"You'll be serving detention with Hagrid tonight" Filch said again, although it was a little obvious since we were at his hut "he has a little job to do, on the dark forest" he continued speaking, giving a small pause in the phrase to sound more dramatic. "sorrowful lot this one Hagrid" Filch said again but Hagrid just sniffed in response "you're not still sad abou that bloody dragon are you?" Hagrid sniffed again before actually say something.

"Norbert's gone" he said. Who the hell is Norbert? "Dumbledore sent him of to Romania, to live in a colony" Hagrid said once again. I assumed Norbert was some kind of dragon, since that was the place were the most colonies are.

"Well, that's good isn't? He'll be with other dragons now" Hermione said answering my question.

"Yeah, but what if he doesn't like Romania?" Hagrid said once again, he really was sad about that dragon "what if the other dragons were mean to him? He's only a baby after all" he said again.

"Oh for God's sake pull yourself together man!" Filch said clearly irritated by Hagrid's actions "you're going into the forest after all" he finished speaking.

"The forest?! I thought that was a joke" Draco said in a very angry and annoyed tone "we can't go in there" he said now making and angry expression in his face "students aren't allowed, and there... WEREWOLVES" he almost screamed the last sentence, like it was the most obvious thing.

"Yeah, I think I have to agree with Malfoy in this one. You're not serious, are you?" I backed up Malfoy, looking in disbelief at Hagrid.

"Right, let's go" he completely ignored me and just kept talking.

All six of us entered the forest, then Hagrid bent down and pick something up from the ground.

"Hagrid, what is that?" my brother asked with a terrified expression in his face.

"What we're here for, see that" he said lifting his finger to show us, they were covered in some kind of silver liquid "that's unicorn blood, I found one dead a few weeks ago, this one was hurt by something" he explained the situation to us.

All of us were terrified, me being the most of them all of course. What kind of sick school is this? Sending students of age fourteen to detention in a forbidden forest.

"Ron and Hermione, you come with me" Hagrid said, and Ron answered with a very shaky 'ok' "Elizabeth and Harry, go with Malfoy" Hagrid finished his sentence.

"Wait, you're not sending us in the forest alone, are you?" I asked almost yelling, he couldn't do that, leave three kids alone in a forest.

"You're not alone, you can bring Fang if you want. Just so you know, he's a bloody coward" Hagrid said and I open my eyes wide at his remark, he wanted to sent us with a dog?

I looked at Fang and he looked even more scared than I was, if that was even possible.

"You're sending us to the forbidden first with a dog? And you said yourself that he is a coward! What kind of sick school is this?!" I didn't care anymore, I was completely livid at Hagrid, so I started yelling, my brother noticed that I was not fine, so he put his hand on my back and started to rub it, which I was grateful for, he tried to comfort me even though he was mad at me.

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