Brooke's Back

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"At this time, I would like to officially welcome Kendall. You're a member of the Abby Lee Dance Company." Miss Abby announces, "Here you go." She gives Kendall the team jacket, "Now, listen to me. This doesn't mean it's smooth sailing from here on out. It means you really have to work hard. When you're wearing that jacket, she can't be all hunched over and slouching. So if you see that, mom, you take a thumbtack, and you stick it. right between her shoulder blades." 

I look over to Jill, who had the creepiest smile I've ever seen, after Cathy, of course.

"We are going to Starbound Competition in Long Island, New York. Now, I'll tell you what. They are ready for us." Miss Abby tells us, "They want to beat the Abby Lee Dance Company, and they are serious. They're like sharks in the water. They can taste the blood." She turns over to the pyramid, "All right, Melanie. You have not done anything these past couple of weeks."

Abby Lee Dance Company

Chloe   Maddie

Kendall Paige Nia Mackenzie Melanie

The top headshot was still covered, it was probably Payton, but after what she did last week, she did not deserve it.

"And, on top of the pyramid," Miss Abby reveals the top headshot and everyone gasps, "Is Brooke."

Brooke walks in and we all run to hug her.

"I know you all are wondering, how could she be on top of the pyramid?" Miss Abby says, "Not only she is doing a solo this week, and not only should she win, I demand that you win."

Leslie and Miss Abby argue after that and the Ackermans leave. The moms are dismissed and the girls start with their dances. While all of that happens, I had a technique class. At night, all the moms and girls were going to be at Kelly's house, but I was going to Peter's birthday party.

"On the tail, not the face!"

A bunch of kids and I were all playing pin the tail on the donkey, and it didn't go well. Let's just say that all of the tails ended up on the poor donkey's mouth.

"We should have a scavenger hunt." Emma suggests, "It would be better than killing the poor donkey."

"Agree." I agree, "Let's tell the others."

We told them and they all like dit, so we started the scavenger hunt.

"Red ball, teddy bear, and tennis racket." Klara reads the piece of paper, "Who in the world has a tennis racket?"

"Someone that plays tennis." I tell her and take her hand, "Come on!"

We started looking all around the backyard, but no luck. Next place was the kitchen, neither. Klara decided to check the living room after that.

"There's actually a purple crayon here." Klara says as she takes out the crayon from behind one of the couches.

I look behind the TV.

"Teddy bear!" I exclaim as I take it out.

I run to the home office and see something red from underneath the desk.

"Ball!" Klara exclaims.

She takes it and we both run back to the kitchen.

"Where's the racket?" I ask as we both go to the dining room.

"Underneath the table?" Klara shrugs, "I don't know."

Emma and Liam walk past us holding a soccer ball, and a helmet.

"I think they're about to finish." I look over to Klara, "We need to find that thing now!"

Klara slides under the table and look up.

"What did I say?" She takes it out, "But this tape's pretty good."

"True." We both start running outside, "We finished!"

The rest of the party was really fun, but I didn't know that over at Kelly's, drama was sparking everywhere.

Competition Day

"So did your mom see all of that by herself?" I whisper to Chloe as we ride on the bus.

Chloe told me that late last night, Christi, Kelly, and Holly found Jill as she bribed Miss Abby and Gia again, this time with a whole massage. Scary.

"Yup." Chloe whispers, "What do you think she needs?"

"Therapy." I whisper back and she chuckles.

"I am Abby Lee Miller. When I ride in a bus somewhere, you listen to me, not the lady on the GPS, but the lady behind you, in your ear."

"Abby Lee Miller being the GPS you always wanted part five-thousandth ninety-five." Chloe says and we both laugh.

We get to the competition and go backstage.

"Up next is acro, 'The Party Starts Right Now'." The Announcer says and Kenzie goes on stage.

Oh I wanna have a good time
Why is this town so dead tonight
I'm over all the drama
Let's go have some fun

The party starts right now
Wanna get carried away
Party starts right now
Come on, baby, what do you say?

"Acro, ages 13 and 14. Number 322, 'Starry Night'." The Announcer says and Brooke goes onstage.

She was amazing, even though she was two weeks out. 

Kenzie was first in her division, and Brooke was third in hers. Maddie and Chloe both had unaired solos, that placed third and first, and a duet that was first. The group was second, and I'm still waiting to do something

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