Maddie Is Back

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"Last week, we found you in your pajamas, not ready to do pyramid, so this week, we find you ready to go." Jess says, "Is it because Maddie's back?"

"No." Abby answers.

"You told me, 'I don't have the passion. I'm not interested in this anymore.'." Holly tells her, "Has that changed?"

"Is this every week?" Maddie whispers.

"They need the money somehow." I whisper back.

"Do I have the passion to teach dance, to choreograph, to create?" Abby says, "Absolutely. That is my passion. It's not about quitting because I'm afraid of hard work. I'm not."

"Then, Abby, what is it about?" JIll asks, "All those times where you didn't want to be here, you didn't want the kids here, you didn't want to do it, you didn't want to show. What is it about, and-and has that changed, so now can we have Abby back?"

"It's financial issues." Abby tells us, "I think all of your kids respect that and you know that. It's the way it is."

Cue uncomfortable silence.

Brynn and I look at each other as we try not to smile.

"Okay, congratulations, girls." We both look back at Abby, "It was a very successful trip to Arizona. Maddie, you're back." We all clap, "You were doing a movie. You were a winner up until that point. When you came back, and went and came back and went, you didn't win. You need to get into the groove, and you need to be my number-one girl out there every week again. Do you understand that?"

"Yes." Maddie nods.

"Did you see her do the Ellen?" Mom asks, "Did you see the video?"

"I didn't."

"I sent it to you."

Shady much?

"I'm just busy, I'm just doing other stuff."

How the tables have turned.

A full 360.

"Pyramid." Abby announces, "On the bottom of the pyramid, we have JoJo. Nia. Maddie, and Mackenzie. In the group dance, you all really, pulled it down a notch."

I quickly notice Mom rolling her eyes and Ashlee grinning from ear to ear.

"Next up, Kendall. You looked well. To me, it looked like you loved the dance and that you loved what you were doing." Abby reveals the next headshot, "Then we have Brynn. Regardless of what the judges thought, I thought you were beautiful to look at. You were a good representative for the Abby Lee Dance Company." Brynn smiles, "Next is Melanie. Your dancing last week is exactly what you need to do every week. You were in love with the dance, your facials were amazing, your technique was flawless, you were a joy to watch. Congrats."


Melanie   Brynn   Kendall

Mackenzie   Maddie   Nia   JoJo

The group dance is entitled 'Seven Deadly Sins', and each girl has to portray a sin, season one style. This time, I'm the only 'human' of the dance. Throughout the dance, I have to portray each one of the sins as soon as they touch me. The thing is, they portray one, but I portray all. There's also three solos and the soloists are Nia, Kenzie, and JoJo.

•Two Days To Competition•

I've grown to realize that the show wasn't for us to make it to Broadway. It wasn't for anything at all. If it was for Broadway, I'm pretty sure that Maddie and I would have been long gone. If it was to be successful and win national titles, I think no one would be here anymore. But that's not the reason. Every single time we get an opportunity or something, it's just taken away from us. It's like they never want us to go. We will, someday. Not today, but someday. Another thing is the not showcasing all of us abilities. Like, how many side aerials have I done in a LYRICAL solo. It's not acro, right? Have I ever done a russian switch leap in a solo? What about a penche? We can do so much more of what we're currently doing, they just won't give us the chance.

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