Sister Showdown

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Come on, girls. Let's go! Let's go! Let's go, come on!" Abby says as we enter and form a line. "I want to talk about, our win."

We all cheer and clap.

"We were up against Cathy, the wicked witch, and we won the high score. So we won, a perfect ten. Ten  new routines in a row, ten competitions in a row undefeated. Obviously, Cheryl and Fallon are gone. There were some misunderstandings. Whether I still consider them for my new team or not, we'll see. All right, so now I'm gonna get to the pyramid. Mackenzie. You didn't go, you weren't there. Next we have Nia. Nia, the group was called 'Red With Envy'. Your facial expressions were over the top, but they weren't correct."

She continues revealing headshots and explaining. Payton storms out and Leslie follows her, Abby follows them and we just have to wait for another hour. 

"And as you can see, there's two people on the top today, Kendall and Melanie. Kendall, you're on top of this pyramid because you received the technique award, and that tells me that I'm doing something right. Melanie, you're also on top of the pyramid because you were first on your division on your first solo back and were third overall. We're attending a new competition this weekend. World Class Talent in Rockville, Maryland."

Melanie  Kendall

Maddie            Chloe

Payton   Nia   Mackenzie

The group dance is called 'Lift You Up' and it is a tribute to the Broadway show 'Kinky Boots'. There's also three solos, Chloe, Maddie and Kenzie will all be going against each other, and to make everything even more epic, Kenzie is doing Maddie's 'Cry' solo.

"Oh and before we start with the group dance, Melanie, you are doing a ballet duet with Emma." Abby says and everyone claps, "All right moms, you're dismissed, girls spread apart, we'll start with the group dance."

The moms leave and we spread around the room. I love ballet, but it isn't my favorite. I just find it really classy and elegant, and I'm not really like that, but at least I get to hang out with Emma, and I do something more than the group dance.

Two Days To Competition

"The duet is called 'I'm Always There' and it is about two friends, they've been together since they were babies, they were always together, but one day, one of them, that is Emma, has to leave, so she's just telling you, Melanie, that she'll always be there for you, no matter how far apart you are." Abby tells us, "It's kind of cliché, I know."

We start practicing it, and it takes about an hour to perfect it.

"Great, please send Maddie and Mackenzie in now, you're dismissed." Abby says and we both leave to the Dancer's Den.

We tell Mads and Kenz, and I go to Dance Jail and sit beside Mom.

"How was your rehearsal, Mel?" Mom asks looking at me.

"It was fun, and the story is cute." I tell her and watch Abby as she talks to Kenzie.

"So Melanie." Mom says and I look at her, "I received a text this morning, and it's about the audition. It says that they would send us a text today if you were chosen."

"Really? And they still haven't?" I ask and she nods, "Oh, well, I'll wait."

I smile and her and then continue watching the rehearsal. I acted like I didn't really care but deep down I wanted it, I wanted that opportunity, because that opportunity could give me so many more.

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