Abby vs Melissa

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We were all waiting for pyramid to begin, but it somehow looked like it was more important for Abby the fact that she has no eyebrows. I don't know, girl, you're kinda late for that. Especially when Diana, Abby's makeup artist came in and started working with her makeup. Like, we have an hour to work with our hair and makeup before coming in for pyramid, can't she do the same?

"All right." Abby turns around and Diana leaves, "Let's get to the pyramid, shall we?"

We all cheer.

"Did you actually win?" Abby asks us, "Of could they have had points taken off for delay of game? You don't want to win because someone's being disqualified. That's no way to base a career, certainly. All right, so, starting at the bottom of the pyramid, Maddie."

Kenzie claps as Nia opens her mouth in shock. I try to hold all my laughter in because of Kenzie's actions. Abby reveals the next headshot.

"Kalani." Kalani laughs as Abby reveals the next one, "Mackenzie."

Kenzie's smile said poof!

"Your feet, your lines, your posture, you don't see any of it." Abby tells Kenzie.

"Oh, I think she sees it." Mom comments and I smile as Abby opens her mouth, "I do. I'm her mother. I'm allowed to speak--"

"Okay, then goes back to the whole reason is why doesn't she fix it?!" Abby yells and my smile fades, "I want her to realize that it needs fixed."

"Mom, just stop." Kenzie says.

"No." Mom tells her.

At least she's finally defending her, that's all I asked for last year, but not this Abby.

"Kendall. You kicked the ball." Abby explains, "Moving up, we have Nia. She really stepped up and physically tried to handle the ball. Next, we have JoJo." Abby announces, "Because of being courageous, and getting in the ball to begin with."

"Thank you for putting me in the ball." JoJo smiles, "It was actually really fun."

"Second on the pyramid, we have Melanie." Abby says, "Didn't you think that you rushed a whole part of your solo?" I shake my head, "And in the group dance, you definitely were not the best dancer in it, but all eyes go on you because of your height--"

"Of course it would." Mom says, "She's nine-years-old dancing with thirteen and fourteen year olds."

"You need to do something about it." Abby tells her and I look at her confused.

"How is she supposed to do something about it" Mom asks, "Everyone else is growing up, she's still young, what do you want me to do?"

"Figure it out, Melissa." Abby snaps, "If you brought her here in the first place, you should know what to do about it."

I decide to keep my mouth shut as the top headshot is revealed.


Melanie   JoJo   Nia

Kendall   Mackenzie   Kalani   Maddie

Kendall, Nia, and Kenzie have solos. The group dance is entitled 'Hungry Like the Wolves', and it sounds . . . Interesting. Finally, Abby's creating a new team once again, this time with minis. Why does that worry me? She just said that I'm too short and look too young with the other girls.

The group dance rehearsal was mostly Abby picking on Mackenzie, and it was starting worry me, she just called Kenzie 'her new victim', and do you know who I think are victims of Abby? The Hylands and Lukasiaks. I don't want Kenzie to be another victim of Abby. Correction, I don't want anyone to be a victim.

Melanie Ziegler || Dance MomsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang