Chapter 43: Don't Know What to Do

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TA DA we made it to the end of their senior year wowwww

Lisa pov

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN FINALS ARE NEXT WEEK"I yelled. Almost everyone in that lunch room heard me and looked at me like I was weird.

Typical me forgetting the end of the year exams that could get me into a good college or  better yet one with Jennie."Wait what"BamBam looked at me confused tears started to drop from my eyes hugging BamBam was the only option so no one would see me cry.

Third pov

"Why is Lisa hugging BamBam"Jennie walked up, "Hold your jealous ass we just found out finals are next week"BamBam backed up a little still holding Lisa by the waist."Dude it's been advertised for about a month"Jisoo laughed.Lisa whispered something in BamBam's ear then letting go of BamBam walking over to Jennie and pulling her away from the group.

Jennie pov

Lisa took me into a janitors closet locking it  back while pinning me on the door,"Is it weird Im sad that Im gonna fail my exams but at the same time turned on by your look"Lisa smiled I was wearing a red blouse almost revealing my breast but not to much that you could see it and black shorts."Once again proving to me that you can't just not think about fucking me"I smirked.

"I mean"Kiss"Who"Kiss"Wouldn't"Lisa pecked my lips more which slowly led to another make out session.I moaned in between our kisses as Lisa gripped her hands on my ass.

"How long do you think they'll be gone"I heard Rosé ask from outside the door,"Well given the fact that Lisa was crying i would say"BamBam said omg are they all right their by the door that is embarrising.

"3 periods"Jackson replied making Lisa smile in our kiss before pulling away her hot breath breathing out on my ear as she whispers"Thats what Im going for".

Third person

 For the past 2 days Lisa,BamBam, Jackson haven't been seen at all everyone thoguht they most likely got drunk and are coming back tommroow.

"Ok where's Lisa"Jennie had gathered them team, Nayeon walked over to Jennie taking her hand and pulling her out of the office into the gaming room.

"What is the square root of 8"Jackson asked

"Uh 2"Lisa said

"YES only 4 other subjects to go"Bambam jumped up the 2 goraned

The gaming room had been trashed with chips and pizza boxes surrouned by a sea of papers and the smell in the room was some kind of fresh mint cologne. Lisa was lying on the couch a bunch of papers on top of her Jungkook half asleep upside down.

"Oh my god"Jennie said almost tripping over mountain dew and coffee cups, "Did guys even sleep"Jisoo said while walking in.

"No can't you see the  root beer none alcoholic drink"Lisa laughed while falling off the couch"You guys need sleep, tomorrow come over to my house and you need to relax your nerves"Jennie ordered...


sorry for the short chapter but you will thank me later anyways expect another chapter today 

Change my mind look out for another chapter tomrooow

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