Chapter 2: mysterious Manoban

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"MANOBAN" coach Yg yelled again

A girl ran onto the field with long black hair and long legs I didnt see anything else of her i was to shocked that coach Yg even let Kai get off the field normally he would just say"its just a knock down you'll be fine" but he let Kai walk off like nothing when our team is down 3 goals.This Manoban girl must be good I guess lets see how she does.

Most of all the students in the crowd was either covering their mouths or their jaw is dropped

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Most of all the students in the crowd was either covering their mouths or their jaw is dropped.Yours would have been to if you  had been their the Manoban girl had just made 3 assits in 5 minutes meaning were now tied 4-4 with 10 minutes left of the game wow she really is good.The way she dodges the slide tackles from players and moves like a snake around the field.

Something caught my attention as I was checking out this Manoban girl I mean I was looking at this girl and I couldn't help but notice her big I shook myself from even thinking of that.I heard Irene gigle "having a good look I see jennie"Irene started laughing so much of course she would notice that to"No Im just watching the ball"I quickly said before anything else embarrassing happens I must have been staring for quite some time because the clock read when I looked at it

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OH CRAP I have been staring at Manoban's  I shook mysself again thankfully Manoban doesnt have the ball.Great right as I say it Manoban has the ball with 5 seconds.She shoots the ball by looking at the path its gonna miss  and hit the post.

CLOCK 3.2 seconds

The goalie on the other team jumps out to block the ball which ovibously slid past him and hit the post but it went in with 0.0 seconds left. I flinched and covered my ears and shut my eyes for all the noise that was happening all around me finally after like 100 years Seoul high school had won a soccer game 5-4.



The Girl on the Soccer Team---JENLISAWhere stories live. Discover now