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{M} just to let you know cuz um how weird would {M} Epilouge{M} look so yeah 



Jennie pov

my back was slammed against the door

Lisa grabbed my neck pulled me closer

"You just had turn me on didn't you"She whispered "I was just cooking"I whimpered"Baby your breathing can turn me on "Lisa growled before slamming our lips together.The heat in the room was melting me almost as much as this kiss, Lisa's lingering hands traveling down eventually groping my ass."Hm Lisa" I moaned into the kiss Lisa tongue quickly found its way into my mouth.

"I wanna rip this apart"Lisa whispered while tugging on my shirt her lips moving down to my neck."P..Please d-don't its my favorite shirt"I moaned I could feel Lisa's bulge pressed against me as she bites down my neck probably renewing the hickeys she made yesterday.

Lisa's fingers plunged her too fingers into my core I oh my god when did she get under my skirt.Suddenly Lisa slowed down her speeding making me whine even more she knows I want this as much as she does."Lisa"I whimpered out.

This went on for 5 minutes

Lisa's speed was killing me she would speed up and right before i would reach my climax  she would slow down, it wouldn't just be oh hahaaha i stopped it would be a whole thing. Lisa would either kiss me till my heart rate some what also slowed down or would just slow down her thrusts.

"LiSA STOP TEASING"I whined which surprisingly she did what I said, I was prepared for the fake orgasm (even though after the 100 billionth time Im still a moaning mess) and OH MY GOD I felt all of my juices come out of me I looked at Lisa with r."Good job"Lisa whispered in my ear.

I close my eyes for a second"Hey don't get sleepy on me now"

Thats when I felt it

her erection

Holy shit I forgot that we were like on the door Lisa has some arm strength.Rest in peace my Legs.

Lisa carefully placed me on the bed.I felt cold well as cold as one can be with sex in the air but like when did my shirt come off.I looked at Lisa's lust filled eyes then down at her abs which were oh my gosh hot something about fit Lisa makes me go crazy.Also those lips their action either its pressed up against my lips or down below its magical i tell you.

Im guessing I was staring too long because Lisa is looking down on me with a devilicious smirk plastered on her face."Having a nice view"she teased Lisa bent down and like hovered over me "I could say the same thing"Lisa whispered in my ear.Given that Lisa hasn't you know started yet I was very impatient and leaned in for a kiss. 

Unfortunatley Lisa backed up and rejected my kiss a kiss cmon thats all I want"Not yet"Lisa chuckled.Lisa's wet kisses probably creating even bigger hickeys than before never felt betteR, and OH MY GOD her hands caressing my breasts.

I felt Lisa's tip on my heated entrance.Without warning Lisa shoved her whole memeber into my core her strength still kills me."L-Lisa"I croaked out trying to speaking wasn't option with my moaning and screaming and only Lisa has that power over me.

The Girl on the Soccer Team---JENLISAWhere stories live. Discover now