Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

Ever’s Pov

I’ve been sitting down on this bench in this small park for almost 30 minutes. I actually liked the cold breeze over my face; it cooled down my hot cheeks. I laid my head down on the back of the bench and replayed the scene over and over.

After somehow me and Harry kissed, I had jogged my way up to the stairs and shoved myself into the elevator. And through it all I never once looked back at any of them. I tapped my foot and paced around the small room when I was suddenly starting to feel claustrophobic.

When the two doors finally opened I ran out of the elevator and smashed into a woman in a business suit. I quickly apologized to her and continued to the room I was staying in. I ended up struggling to even get the door open, the door handle was suddenly very slippery but then I realized that it was my hands that were sweating. I finally got in and immediately walked into the room me and Harry were sharing.

It all ended when I realized that I was sharing a room with Harry. Even as I entered the room I already could tell the difference between his scent and oxygen. I couldn’t stay here, at least not until I cooled down. I’d just be reminding myself over and over about the sweet kiss we had.

So I ran out of the hotel and kept walking until I landed on the small park and bench that I was now sitting on. In attempt to forget about Harry I ended up failing. All of a sudden my mind was on a “Think about Harry Freaken Styles all day” schedule.

Why did I even kiss him? It was like I didn’t even have a choice; my body had its mind of its own. I guess I was caught in the moment or something. Did I really want to kiss him?

What if the kiss led to us becoming a “thing” in the future? I mean come on; didn’t I break the guy’s heart earlier on? But what if we actually did become a couple? But I’m just a normal girl who isn’t even a fan.

What’s wrong with me I’ve been acting so strange lately? First the almost kiss I gave Louis on the plane, then the thoughts I’ve been having of Niall, and now the kiss I planted on Harry. And let’s not forget those nauseating moments I’ve been getting. What if my prayers were finally answered and I was actually sick. That’s actually a legitimate explanation.

But I mean what if I wasn’t sick and all these feelings I’ve been getting towards them were actually real and could mean something?

My deep thoughts were disturbed when I felt a loud buzz inside my sweater. I stuck my hand inside my pocket and pulled out my phone. My heart sunk in when I saw the messenger’s name.


Kate’s Pov

You know those Saturday mornings were you are extremely bored even though you’re not supposed to because there’s no school?

Yeah well, I was having one of those right now.

It’s not like I don’t have a social life because I do. In fact I’m one of the most popular girls at school, so that would be the least of my worries. Except for today, it’s like everyone else has somehow disappeared.

Poof, banished, gone.

You’d think that the guy that is obsessed with you would erase his entire schedule to see you. So explain to me why Jake turned me down for a weekend camping trip with his parents. Then again I guess I don’t blame him, its family after all.

I rolled over on to my back, setting myself down on my bed. I’m still depressed that all the boys from One Direction left two days ago for their World Tour. I only got to hang out with them once or twice. We didn’t even bond close enough to be considered good friends. Like what the fuck is that? Luckily I still had all their numbers except I’d only be able to call or text them for only a second. That is if they are even in the U.S. Ughh, Why?

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