Chapter 32

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Here it is guys, the long awaited chapter!! Yayy!

Okay I really need to apologize to you all because this chapter would of been up sooner but I was sick these past 5 days and so I couldn't finish writing it. But now that I'm better I finally got it up!

I hope you guys enjoy this and dont forget to vote for the next update!

And please ignore my spelling mistakes, I'm too lazy to edit it, so Ill do it later.

And thanks so much for those who acutally vote and read this story. I love you so much (;

Huge shout out to the 5 most sexiest beats in the world for winning two awards!! I love you guys even more and I'm so proud C;

Pluss Tay Tay and Hazza are over !

- Banana xx


Chapter 32

Ever's Pov

My smile and giggling slowly went away as I realized what I had just been asked. The words zoomed in my ears and rang inside my head. That was the last thing I thought would happen, along with the unexpected kiss. The question cleared my head and left it blank and I don't know why.

Would you be my girlfriend?

It repeated throughout my head, over and over. Did I hear right? Or was I hallucinating because I cried a little while back. But If I wasn't hallucinating then he must have actually spoken out the question. But why me? Does that mean he likes me? If he does, then what about me does he like. There's nothing to actually like about me, unless it's my body and if that was the case then I am definitely not interested.

Somehow I was a little happy to conclude that I actually might have a crush on him and that would explain all the strange thoughts I've been having and the feeling I got when we danced. Being with him would actually be a good thing and from what I know about him so far, he is the sweetest thing on Earth. Somehow I wanted to be with him but a part of me would feel guilty if I said yes and I don't know why.

I know he'd be crushed if I said no but what if he actually took it alright or what if I said yes and took a risk?


Just being here is a huge risk and letting myself get attached might end up resulting into a horrifying twist.

My thinking was disturbed by loud thumps and screams that came from the entrance to this beautiful garden. Both Niall and I turned around to see five lovely boys who were now staring at us all huffed and puffed.

"I was starting to think you both had left us!" Louis wraps his arms over his chest, raising an eyebrow at us. Along with him stood Zayn, Liam, Harry, and to my surprise Ed. I thought he would have left after seeing me freak out back then but I guess he didn't.


No, no score for me.

They were all staring at both of us waiting for an answer, I licked my lips and cleared my throat, "Sorry, I just..." I start to get nervous when they all turn to see who had spoken and that's when I notice my voice was still cracked up from crying.

"She needed some air" Niall finishes for me and then smiles weakly. He still needs an answer from me but I don't even know the answer.

"Okay well, I still haven't danced with anyone and us lads still need to perform" Louis walks up to us and looks into my eyes for a moment as if he's scanning for the truth. I gulp and force a smile; he returns it and pats Nialls back.

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