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After a few days at the hospital, the doctor advised that I can go back home.

With a long list of dietary needs, medications and recommendations, I can finally lay on my own bed and be with the boys.

I missed them. I wanted to be a close to them as possible since they are like my family.

My mom called me every now and then. I miss her and Eunwoo.

The day of my discharge finally came. I knew the boys would be at practice so I didn't want to bother them.

I packed all my things and signed the discharge slips. The doctor made sure all my medications were available so I didn't have to drop by the pharmacy.

The nurse helped me out of the building. Of course, as part of protocol, I have to ride a wheelchair. It sucked because It made me feel more sick but I was happy I was getting out.

As they wheeled me out of the hospital, I saw someone familiar. It was Jin. He was leaning on his car, waiting for me. I smiled.

I know you too well. He said aa he got my things and helped me off the wheelchair.

What about practice? I said, feeling bad because I know that he hates it when he misses out.

Well, you are more important than that. And besides, I wouldn't want you to be going hime by yourself. He said, as he opened the door of the car.

Aigoo Seokjin. You never cease to amaze me. I said, looking at him. I am very thankful for having him in my life.

We drove back home. I felt quite uneasy because I knew that the "talk" is just around the corner. I couldn't avoid it.

Do you have anything specific you want to eat? Be careful though, I've got a copy of your dietary plan. He laughed.

Whatever is fine. I said, looking out of the window.

We were almost home but he suddenly took a turn. I looked at him with a big question mark on my face.

Let's talk somewhere first. He said. I gulped thinking, This is it.

We arrived at a little barn. It was a secluded area, a bit further from the city. It looked so peaceful. You had a great view of mountains and greenery. There were animals around and a few people who tend to them.

He parked the car in front of a house. It was a cozy looking house with a porch. I honestly love porches and swings.

I remembered that Jin and I used to talk about this when we were younger. I wanted a small 2-3 bedroom house. I room was for me, the other for my family and one room for Jin. I wanted it to be somewhere peaceful where I can ride horses or tend sheeps. I wanted chickens so I can eat egg often. Lol.

What's this place? I asked.

He smiled and he got out of the car. He opened the door and led me to the house. I saw pictures on top of the fireplace and a couple near the stairs. I looked closer and they were actually pictures of us. My family pictures, Jin's family picture, of course BTS pics as well.

I got a bit confused and looked at him.

I bought this place a few years ago, before you came back. I remembered how we used to talk about having a place to relax and hide. He explained.

Honestly, I haven't been back here since we started living together. I really wanted you to see it since technically, this is our dream home.

My heart suddenly stopped after hearing this. I never imagined that he would do something this extravagant and sweet.

Here are your keys. You can come here anytine you like. This is yours too. He said, handing me an envelope. I looked at it and saw that the house was under our names.

I couldn't speak. I was lost for words. My eyes were tearing up.

What did I ever do to deserve this? To deserve you? I questioned him and indirectly myself.

Because, you were the only person that was there for me. The only one who told me to follow my dreams. The only one who initially believed in me. You are my person, Y/N. He said as he held my hands. I could never ask for someone more because you are the reason why I am here.

As I was crying, I jumped unto him, giving him a hug. He is my person and will always be. Regardless of who I have in my life, he will be my only constant.


***Jin's POV****

Y/N hugged me as she thanked me for the house.

I let her down gently and led her to the dining area. I know that she hasn't eaten alot at the hospital so I made sure to prepare something for her.

Sit down and relax. Let's have lunch. I am cooking. I said.

She sat at the counter looking at what I was preparing. I saw in her eyes that she was happy. Either that, or she really wanted to help me in cooking.

So.. I started the conversation.

I looked at her and she suddenly looked away.

Care to share your story with me? I asked as I turned the stove on.

Well. I am sick, you know. She pretends to cough.

Aish. Your cuteness will not save you today, Y/N. So, is it Yoongi? I asked, looking at her, hoping she would say no.

She looked at me then nodded.

I smiled. Well, it's about time for the both of you. I said, partially sad about the situation. I just wished you told me sooner then I could have booted you out of my bed and have it all to myself. I joked.

She threw a piece of bread at me. What ever Seokjin. If I know, you would probably try to sleep with us if I left you alone in bed.

That was probably true. I already found comfort with having her on the same bed as me.

So, tell me all about it. I asked.


She shared with me how it all happened. Why she chose not to tell me, how she thought I might get hurt or mad.

Honestly, I am hurt but not mad, never mad.

At the back of my mind, I still pictured myself with her. Actually, come think about it, I've never pictured myself with anyone else but her.

But, when she was telling me her story, I saw a different smile. I knew she was happy and I was contented with that.

After we ate, we toured the house and the farm. I could see that she was tired so we went back to the car and drove home.

Home. You are my home, Y/N. You will always be. I thought as I looked at her sleeping peacefully.

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