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                             Ashley's pov
I called my mum today and it all back to the same thing, I shouldn't stress too much and come see her, I miss her too but I have to work and pay bills.

On my way to work this morning, I was calculating the money I have left and bills keep piling up again, that was how I hit a hard brick ouch, I rubbed my head, can't you watch where you are wtf, omg is that a wall talking, miss I'm talking to you and who are you calling a wall, omg it's not a wall and I'm talking out loud again, yes you are and you just broke my phone.

I looked up to see the person and to say the man is handsome would be an understatement, straight styled jet black hair with a pair of soul piercing green eyes enter my field of vision. perfectly sculpted face with light pink plump lips, straight nose and incredibly well defined jaw with high proud check bones accentuate the plains of his face, he stands tall about 6'2 ft and I can tell he clearly works out with how his suit fits perfectly against his torso, hugging each of him, he exudes power.

If you are done checking me out let's talk about the part you just broke my phone with your clumsiness, I snapped back to reality and started blushing omg he caught me checking him out, I'm so sorry, omg I just broke his expensive phone, God I can't afford this right now, I'm dead I started panicking, maybe I can pay in installments mayb for four or five months, I heard his voice saying you know what just forget about it, you are clearly dumb, no wait sir I will find ways to pay you back and he looked me up and down, I was so embarrassed I'm sorry, whatever I'm a very busy person I don't have time for this okay and he walked away.

I felt so bad and embarrassed cause I didn't watch where I was going and I ruined his expensive phone.

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