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Ashley's pov
After a waiter came to take our order, Damien actually ordered the most expensive wine here and the taste is so good, I can say it match the money I don't even want know how much it cost,
He came back to ask if don't need anything and I smiled at the poor boy cause he looks so nervous, I can feel you boy, yes thank you we are okay for now he nods and scurried off like a cute rabbit and I smiled.
I noticed Damien gripping his glass so tightly I was afraid it will break, why are you flirting with him, he asked in low dark voice, with who I was confused, the waiter
What I wasn't flirting with him I was being polite something you are not used to, yeah well he gets paid for doing his job,anyways enough about him you started it anyways I thought.

The rest of our dinner flows well. We're both relaxed in each other's presence, we're talking about everything and nothing we're happy. I was getting to know him more tonight and while talking I was unable to turn my eyes anywhere but him, because when he was talking about something, he talks about it with passion and pure joy, and although he didn't open much to him, he talks about his parents and childhood.
I found out he was an only child and his parents love him so much and judging by the way he speaks about them, they sound like a very good people.

So Ashley about what we discussed yesterday, I stared at him again, does he want to cause me a heart attack? I wish I hadn't drunk that whole glass of wine because there's a lump in my throat. ' Okay so if I do say yes, I see his eyes darken at my words and I swallowed hard. How would this work out.

He smiles a little, showing a bit of his dimple and I can't think straight anymore, he already has me where he wants me, my brain is already screaming 'yes at him, after work we could meet at your flat or I would take you home from work, cause I don't take girls that I sleep with to my house and I felt so stupid right there and I was looking down at my hand, you understand don't you, yes yes I do
okay good. So I would take you home and you already know what will happen from. ' His pupils dilate and his eyes almost turning dark.
I squirmed little to ease the pressure between my legs, I suddenly stood up and excuse myself to Damien that I have to use the restroom, he stands up ' I will escort you there. No please don't I might just pull you in have my way with you I though.
Instead I just nod my head, he has his possessively on my back and I can barely force my legs to move when we get there. I quickly rushed in escaping his touch and smell.

After I was done I opened the tap and looked at myself in the mirror and I looked so flush God he his so intensity for my fragile heart.

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