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                          Ashley's pov
It was late already so I had to take the bus home, because of the incident that happened months back I can't risk walking home at night again, if my shift ended just remembering makes me shiver and almost had a panic attack, I was thinking not here God I can have an attack right here, I walked to the bustop in a gloomy mood, i sat on the bench even though I have my driver's license a car is out of the picture. A new car would mean more bills and gas money.

The bus came around and I got up and stepped in, I put a few bus token in and went to have a seat, after about 10 minutes I reached my stop and I got out. I walked up to my building and unlocked it. It wasn't the worst neighborhood in town but it was definitely not the best, I reached my apartment and opened it with my key.

I dropped my bag on the couch and I took my clothes off and threw my hair up in a ponytail if not it will look like a bird nest by tomorrow, I was so tired I couldn't even make dinner, I can't help but think about the guy I bumped into, his eyes was so full of anger ugghhh why I'm even thinking about him, probably because i feel bad right? Yes that must be why, I slept off with that thought in my head.

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