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Ashley's pov
It's been almost 3 days since I last spoke to Damien and I was thinking of him more than I wanted to agree with, I waited for his calls but there was no calls from him.

I kept remembering him and all the time we spent together, and I can't think about how we got married and the reasons why, thinking he might never learn to love me back makes me sad.

I decided to go to work this morning and everyone was surprised to see him, I can see some looking at me with disgust and jealousy but I decided to keep my head up and don't show they affect me.
Even Alicia was surprised to see me and she ask about how we got married and no one ever knew we were in a relationship but I just told her the same story we did to everyone.

I got back home late in the evening after finishing all my work in the office, I decided to eat dinner before going to sleep, and I decided to check my phone for any call from him and nothing again, I tried his number but it wasn't going through, I sighed and then slept of with his thoughts in my head.

Damien's pov

I got home and decided to surprise Ashley today by not telling her I was coming today, I couldn't help but think about her throughout my trip and that made me so bad I didn't call her nor pick her calls.

Seeing her in just my shirt swaying her hips in my kitchen does something to me I don't understand how that made me feels.

Approaching her from behind, I pressed my body against her back, she gasped in surprise and I mentally groaned at the sound. I kissed her neck wanting to taste her delicious skin, leaving a wet trail all the way till I reached her ear lobe,

"Damien" she moaned softly and I tightened my hold on her, I moved my mouth to my favourite spot, the junction between her shoulder and neck and kissed it leaving a mark.
She is so fucking addictive that everytime I'm around her my brain stops functioning and my dick gets painfully hard, I hate how she makes me feel and at the same time I crave it.

Placing one last kiss to her neck, I turned her around to see her eyes were still half hooded, her hair was out of the tight bun she packed her hair in and the hickey on her neck was bright red,I smirked in satisfaction she was so shocked and aroused at the same time.

'Damien you're back' she says breathless not believing I was here and my smirked widened more ohh yes I'm back or were you busy fantasizing about me I said in a husky voice and she shivered.

Okay why don't you go freshen up and come down here let me prepare something for us to have.
Okay milady
She laughed and sends me away.

I came back down five minutes later and she has arranged the table, this looks nice, I sat down and I tasted the food and it taste fucking amazing.

Babe this is really good I said I love it
Thank you she says shyly.

I want to ask you some private questions if you don't mind once you are done with your food.

"Okay no problem.

Hmmmm what do you guys she wants to ask?

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