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                             Damien's pov
Today was such a hectic day for me, I was in a bad mood after seeing Ashley and that stupid boy at the finance department laughing together this morning, I don't why I got so pissed about that, I'm feeling some type of feelings I vowed not to feel again.

The ticking point was when that stupid Stella called me today telling me trash about how sorry she is about the things she have done and how she wants me to take her back what a fucking joke,
you know what if you ever by chance call my number again I'm going to get you arrested do you understand me, I hung the call up on her I don't even want to hear her stupid annoying voice.

Whta did I ever see in her, all those anger made me barged to Ashley's office and said a lot of hurtful things to her, which makes me feel so bad.

I was over the edge and couldn't believe what I just said to her, but that's the funny thing about words once they leave your mouth you can't erase the damage done or take them back.

Before I could even apologize she scurried out and left to go make the coffee I so not nicely ask of, and I was certain she was crying.
Damn she makes feel things I don't even understand, I never feel bad giving people orders but her I don't know, I feel so bad shouting and talking to her in that manner.

Alex called me on the phone, hey Damien my friend, I missed you, Alex what happen again, so I was thinking we should go to that your new club and have fun, we need to unwind and I decided to give in cause I really need a drink right now and clear my head, you know what I will meet you their around 8 once I'm done with the files here.
okay budy

I finished working on the files and decided to leave I couldn't help but check Ashley's office and saw that she left already okay I will apologize to her tomorrow then.

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