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                          Ashley's pov
Nicole came few minutes after i got home banging my door like a crazy woman, you know I can hear you even if you knock like a normal person,
yeah whatever so what's the fun in that anyways that aside so you mean he said all that words to you and still shout at you, I nodded

What a douchebag, tell me are you starting to have feelings for him, what no pffft you know it's too early for that and moreover he his way out of my league, yeah keep telling yourself that, you know love knows no timing at all anyways that's why I'm here for you we are going to party and drink all night you don't have work tomorrow so you can treat a hangover.
Nic I told you I'm not drinking yeah now stand up let me do you makeup, I was grumbling cause she takes forever to do this things, after pulling all my eyelashes and dragging my hair for over an hour.
Yes and we are done, wow Nic is that me I look so pretty
ikr, I just did something natural cause you are naturally gorgeous.

Thank you so much Nicole,  now to the dress and all I can say is wow, it was a short backless bodycon gown with one long sleeve length and it so pretty, I put on with a pair of  silver heels Nicole brought for me and Damn I look so good in this.
Omg Nic you look so gorgeous she was a sleeveless black dress which only covers up to her ass. Ash if not that I love dick and I'm straight as a ruler I would so do you, I blushed because of her vulgar words anyways let me call a cab so we can go, I hope I don't regret this by tomorrow

We got to the club and it looks so expensive I saw Nicole walk up to the bouncer and said something in his ear while pointing at me, and he signal us to go in wow, this place looks pretty

We walked to the bar and she ordered two tequila shots what you have to loosen up alright so drink up now, you know what fuck it I need this I drown the drink at a goal and it was nice at all, I started coughing God what do people enjoy in alcohol, she dragged me to the dance floor I was already feeling the effects of the alcohol cause we started dancing together and I was grinding on her.

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