Interview ii

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                                     Ashley's pov
I woke up at the sound of the alarm, I jumped up and remember I have an interview today and I'm so nervous, I pray I don't screw this up with my nerves and anxiety.

I rushed to the bathroom to have my bath, I finished and decided to just drop my hair and straightened it, it reach down to my waist I don't bother styling it is too long and I don't have time for that now. I wore my clothes and shoes, I checked the mirror and I think I look okay I packed my bag and walked out of my apartment and onto the busy street of New York.
I walked to the bus station and I still have like one hour left and it will only take me twenty minutes to the company, that way I can still have time for breakfast I could not eat dinner yesterday because of the nerves.

I got down from the bustop and walked to the company, I noticed the area look expensive, I gasped as I looked up at the huge buildings that was covered in mirrors as it reflected the sky and the street.
At the top in huge black LED lights it said DS Inc.

I walked to the front door and two security guards stood there, they looked down at me ' identification is needed to enter the building ' I pulled out my ID and the other guard put it in some slot thing and the button turned green.
'Clear' he handed me my ID and I stepped into the building. The lobby was filled with people talking and busy. I walked up to the receptionist and she typed as she ignored me.
'umm hi, I said and she turned to look me up and down, yes can I help you, um yes I'm here for the interview scheduled at 10, Name?

My name is Ashley McLane she continued to type and she pointed to the elevator, okay take that elevator to the top floor and speak to Alicia, I nodded and thank her and walked to the elevator.

My eyes widened and see there are about 80 floors in this building, I hit the top button and the elevator started to go up. After a few minutes I reached the top. I walked up to the desk and the woman with blonde hair looked up at me

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