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Ashley's pov
It's been 5months since we got married and although it hasn't been easy, but I'm definitely loving it, there are times he doesn't want to open up to me and we've also been having sex non stop and it keeps getting better everyday.

I was feeling sick since last week and I decided to go to the hospital today for checkup only for me to receive the biggest shock of my life, I'm pregnant, I'm pregnant with Damien's baby and I'm so happy, bust scared what if he rejects the baby omg I'm so scared right now.
I went to the office to and decided to continue working and find ways to tell Damien about the pregnancy later.
Only for me to get the second biggest shock of my life I opened Damien office door and saw a girl kissing him, I gasped loudly and he saw me and he pushed the girl off him,
Ashley I swear it's not what you think let me explain
I just rushed out and decided to go home.

Damien's pov

Ashley wasn't feeling well and I forced her to go to the hospital today,
I was busy with some files when the person I never expected barge into my office
Stella what are you doing in my office get out now before I call the security on you.

Baby please listen to me I'm sorry for everything, I'm here now and you can marry me and forget about that your plain ugly wife, I'm the only person that can satisfy you.

You must be crazy if you think I want anything to do with you, next time I find you anywhere near me or you say bad things about my wife again I'm going to make sure you are done in this country do you understand me.
And she kissed me and I was so shocked before I could push her away Ashley entered and saw us, I pushed her away from me and tried to explain to Ashley but she ran out and didn't listen to me.

I called the security and tell them to throw this despicable woman out of my sight, if I ever see her anywhere near me again, consider yourself fired and done for, the nodded and dragged her out kicking and screaming.

I went home and saw Ashley crying on the bed, please Ashley trust me I respect our relationship than to throw it away because of that wore, that's the Stella I told you about, she just barged in my office and started speaking trash and nonsense.

But I saw you kissing her she cried harder,

I swear I didn't kiss her she took me by surprise and kissed me and before I could push her away you walked in, believe me I hate her too much for me to have anything to do with her again.
Do you trust me

Do you trust me I asked her?

Yes of course.

Then believe me when I say I have nothing to do with her, I wouldn't hurt you like that believe me and she hugged me suddenly making me stiffened but I put my arms around her and hugged her back.

She fell asleep with me holding her and I can't help but hate seeing her in tears, it hurts me in ways that I can't understand.

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