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Ashley's pov
I decided to tell Damien my answer today! And to say he was happy was an understatement
'seriously you don't know what you just did for,how can I ever repay you back for this

'mayb by accepting my feelings' I thought, you don't have to repay me I agreed to do this and your mum seems like a good person judging by the way you always speak about her

Thank you so much I appreciate so I will just call my lawyer and we can sign the necessary documents.

I was busy reading the contract when I saw the amount he wants to pay me every month and my eyes almost bulge out, and I strike it out, I'm not doing this for money and I signed it seeing as I'm okay with rest of the clause and gave it back to him
And ladies and gentlemen I'm officially married.

But why did you cancel out the payment, I already told you I don't want you money I'm only doing this for a reason best known to me.
I just want to look out of you and take care of you, you are now my wife but if you insist then
Thank you once again.

We still have to talk to our parents and get married asap.
How about we go see them today and let them know

' my mum was so happy to see him, after breaking the news to her she was angry and yet happy, asking of that's really what I want and I said yes
' it's how he charmed my mom and sister and they were blushing like schoolgirls everytime he compliments them.
I feel you ladies, I feel you.
We agreed to have a simple wedding next weekend and my mum was a little bit sad she couldn't plan the big wedding she always wanted, we both cried together but this is I what I want.
' Bye Mrs McLane and you Susan, bye mom' Bye sis greet your husband for me.
I will take care okay we will see you soon.

After we left my mum's we went to his and I was so nervous thinking what if they don't like me,I'm not rich or anything.

Calm down they will love you okay.
When his mom saw and we told her the news she was so happy and she makes me feel like a daughter to her, she even showed me some embarrassing pictures of him to use against him anytime he offends me.

I love your mum she is such a nice person, I told you she will love you didn't I.

He dropped me home,
thanks again for doing this, before the wedding we get someone to move your stuffs to my place okay.
Hmmmm can I kiss you I missed your lips so addictive.

I blushed and nodded and boy did he kiss me like no tomorrow.

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