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Ashley's pov
It's been two weeks since I left Damien's house and I started working full-time back at the library so I don't just sit at home, I still have enough money from my salary from working at DS Inc a dim keeping it for my baby, I didn't tell my mum or sis about what happened I don't have the courage to face them yet, a day does not go by that I don't think of Damien and his hurtful words to him I wish I can shut my feelings for him somehow.

Mr Carl called me
Ashley you have to rest and eat, you know you are now taking care of two people not just yourself,
Yes mr Carl have eaten don't worry I smiled.
Okay now go home and rest young lady.
Yes yes boss
I went home and met Nicole
Hey baby mama how is my godson doing today,
how would you even if it's a boy or girl
Instinct mama, call it instinct
Whatever get me food I'm starving again.

Damien's pov
Been two weeks since Ashley left the house and I'm regretting everything, I miss her cooking, her smiles, her face when we make love, it took me so long but I finally admited I'm in love with her, I have not being able to function well she was my anchor and now she's gone I'm sure she is never going to forgive me, I cried on my mum's lap.
You messed up this time son, that girl really loves you but you were too much of a coward to see it,

You spent so long wondering and asking 'how can anyone love me'
And you counted your flaws
But didn't have any fingers left
For strength
And when someone finally said they loved you
All you could ask was 'why'
Instead of telling them
That you love them too.

Mum I should have told her how much I love her and can't wait for her to have our baby I cried harder.
The only thing you can do now is to make ammend and bring my daughter in law back home or I won't forgive you.

I will mom I just have to find ways to apologize and bring her back thank you mum I love you.
Love you too my son.

I went to her former apartment and didn't find her their, I finally remembered yes her friend Nicole.
I finally got her address yes perks of being rich.

I knocked on her door continuously and she finally open the door for me, please Nicole let me see her I'm begging you,
'this your fifth time here and I told you NO again and again go away,
Please I have to see her and apologize I'm in love with her let me just see her please
Fine you can come in but if you make i cry I will kill you.
Yes please I just want to see her.

I saw her sleeping peacefully on the bed holding her stomach and I can't help but burst into tears at the sight.
She woke up and was startled seeing me,
My God Damien you scared what the hell are you doing here haven't you done enough already, you want to come and rub it in my face again or call me a whore again, she screamed
I tried to touch her
Don't touch me you wicked human being.

Please I know have hurt you so much and I regret it I just want to apologize for everything, I know saying I'm sorry is not enough so erase all the hurtful things I said to you but I will keep saying I'm sorry and regretting the things I said for the rest of our lives.

She cried harder making my heart hurt for making this beautiful selfless human cry

You hurt me so much with your words, you rejected our baby Damien she cried

And I will forever be sorry for that, it took me so long and you leaving for me to understand that I loved you from the very first day you bumped into me, yes I love you so much and I will keep showing you that for the rest of my life.

I want to be in love with you who is equally as in love with me and I don't want it to just be love, I want us to be bestfrnds and to adore and respect each other and to fit together like puzzle pieces. Please baby forgive me

I hugged her and as she keeps crying

Shshhh Shshhh I'm so sorry for hurting you and making you cry
And she slapped me that's for everything you did to me
Ouch I guess I deserve that I laughed.

Please come back home with me and let me show you how much I love you and how sorry I am.

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