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Ashley's pov
He cleared his throat after we finished eating and helped me cleared the dishes.

So what do you want to talk me about he asked.
I know this is none of my business but one part of me have a right to know as your wife. I want to know more about you and your past, I want to ask the reason you are so hell bent on not falling in love and accepting it.

He looked at me with his dark gaze and I almost got scared
You know you don't have to tell me if you don't want to its okay.

" I have to" few years ago when I was still in school and just starting my company, I met a girl her name is Stella and it was like love at first sight for me I don't know about her, I fell in love with her and decided to approach her, she saw that I was rich and handsome and accept my proposal, stupid me thinking she actually likes me back too, what a joke, anyways we got together and everything was going so well or so I thought, but I noticed she flirts with almost every guy and I got angry and confronted her about it when I couldn't take it anymore and she told me it was just an harmless joke and I agree, a year later I was so sure I'm ready to spend the rest of my life with her and I proposed to her and she said yes, that day was the most happiest day of my life I felt like I was on top of the world I wanted to scream out loud and tell everyone she says yes to me, we decided to have a party to celebrate, I invited all my friends and the party was going on so well, when I noticed I haven't seen Stella for the past 30 minutes, I asked my best friend Alex and he said he saw her going upstairs to my room, I decided to go check up on her to see if she is okay,only for me to get the biggest shock of my life, I saw her and my friend the one you met at the party the other day that I got angry about you and him talking.

Yes I nodded '

Well I caught them together in my room having sex in my bed and she was laughing calling me an idiot that believe she is in love with me and she is only waiting to get married to me so I can sign my properties to her and she can divorce me and take it all away on our engagement party.

" my God why are people so heartless I thought, I can't say I understand what you have been through but that does mean you should shut out of love just because of one woman, not every woman is like that.

" Trust me I won't put myself in that type of position again so never falling in love again.

But you are making her win like that, like she is still has hold over you,
Let her win or whatnot I'm never feeling like that again.

Can I tell you a secret I never told anyone before.

I was almost raped by 3 men last year, I was walking home at night after my shift at the caffe and then this men grabbed me and put something in my mouth, I struggled so hard but I couldn't fight the drugs and slept off, I woke up later in a Limo and all I could see was darkness and them groping me everywhere, I cried and prayed and begged them to stopped but they did not,
I said with tears streaming down my face and shaking while remembering that events,
Thankfully someone saw when they grabbed me and called the police and the police arrived in time before they could their worse.

" Ashley calm my down my God, I'm going to kill all of them and make sure they never see the light of the day again.

' Please leave them they are already serving their time at the prison.
That's not enough I'm going to make calls and make sure they are never released.
Thank you I just want you to hold me.

He did, you see the reason why I told you this is to let you understand something, I can't say because some people try to do me bad that means I will believe all men are the same.

I tried to make him understand but he just wouldn't budge and I decided to let it go for now.

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