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Ashley's pov
Walking into my office, I sighed looking at all the paperworks that was already stacked on my desk, sitting at my desk I decided to start working on them, I answered a few calls as well since Damien had multiple meetings schedule this week.

After about 1 hour of working I decided to stretch my hands, and I noticed Damien walked into my office, pacing back and forth in front of my desk, one of his hands was in his pocket and the other holding the phone on his ear, I feel so bad for whoever he his on the phone with.

I decided to continue my own work and he stepped right behind me and I knew he was just observing cause if he needed me he would have call me for that, I was feeling hot and bothered as he breathes in my ear. A minute or two went by and I jumped when I felt him lowered his body over mine. He place his hands over mine that were still on the desk and I felt my heart raced.
Leaning closer to my ear, I tried to say something but I couldn't form words.

' Have dinner with me tonight, his dark voice sent a small vibration through my body. I have something to discuss with you.

The last time he said that, he proposed a relationship with no strings attached I wonder what he is up to now.

I blushed as I spoke. 'Alright....

Be ready by 8, I looked up and nodded at him.

Ok-ay-okay, he stood up and walk out of my office and I let out a breath that have been holding in.

I got home at exactly 6pm and called Nicole on facetime,
Hey babes have missed,
yeah I can see that, you have not call me since like a week now
I'm sorry okay is just that have been busy at the coffee shop lately after you quit two other girls also quit and I had to work overtime to fill in before he hire another person.
Ohh sorry love, anyways I called you to help me pick a dress I have a date with my boss.

Omg she screamed! I knew it are you sleeping with him,
What no I blushed so hard I resembled a tomato right now
Okay then why are you blushing,
Okay fine we have kissed here and there and mayb a little further but no sex.
Wow u naughty girl she laugh, okay let me pick a dress for you.

Few minutes later, ohh that one looks fabulous you should wear it
Thank you so much for this Nic
You welcome, so tell me how big his he down there,
I covered my face and screamed, I don't know have not seen but I can tell his really big,
You are so lucky girl she yelled, you can give me all the details later, I have go ttyl
Bye Nicole.

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