Second Year Sensational Entrances

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Third Person POV

"Is it me or am I seeing things?" Rhaenyra asked, pointing to the skeleton horses pulling the carriages.

It was bloody cold out, and every growing Ragnarok pressed against her to serve as a portable heater.

"Thestrals." Ivan said. "Only those who have seen death can see them."

Harmonia let out an 'oh' sound while Neville nodded.

Rhaenrya paused. She had seen Lex Sanders be killed, but Potter and Weasley hadn't.

"How can you...?" the Princess of Fire asked Ivan.

"Auntie killed her ex boyfriend in front of me when she found out he was abusing me. Harmonia? Neville?"

"My grandmother was sick and I was visiting her. She then had a heart attack in front of me and..." Harmonia trailed off, hugging Shadow. Neville wrapped an arm around her.

"My grandfather. He was experimenting with runes and... something went wrong." the Loyal Lion trailed off.

The Shadows hurried into the coaches after that, and the thestrals pulled them to the school.

Scene Change

The Shadows all split up, going to their respective tables. On the plus side, Rhaenyra had Morag to talk too, and the ginger was surprisingly well versed in Ancient Runes got her young age.

One song from the Sorting Hat later, it was time to sort the new students.

Rhaenrya's own class had been small, at forty five students at least. This time, there was at least 90 kids.

Post war baby boom?

One look at Morag confirmed her suspicions.

"Anderson, Daisy!"

A small brunette hurried up.

"GRYFFINDOR!" the hat declared. The House of Nobility burst into cheers.

"Allen, Thomas!"

A boy with pale brown hair went up.


The badgers all went up into hoots and cheers. A fourth year girl with identical pale brown hair greeted Thomas with excitement; maybe Thomas and this girl were siblings?

"Olivia Allen. Heiress of the Most Noble House of Allen." Morag whispered. "She's top of her class in Potions and Herbology."

Rhaenyra nodded. "Thanks."

"Baddock, Brianna!"


Rhaenyra didn't bother to follow the rest of the names. One she was hunger and two she was bored.

Along with Daisy Anderson, Gryffindor got Abby Baker, Ginevra Weasley, Jackson Bell, Beatrice Bailey, Edgar Newman, Maria Neal, Edith Lewis, a photo addict by the name of Colin Creevey, Lydia Riley, and David Lekovski.

Hufflepuff acquired Amber Gray, Jason Oliver, Rose Blackstone, Dave Miller, David Miller, Justine Vance-Vaughn, Victor Davis, and Luxa Umbra.

The kids who joined Ravenclaw were identical twins Daniella and Dahlia Smith, Luna Lovegood, Joan Greywood,  Ophelia Artemisa, Danny Hewett, Sadie Ollivander(which got hundreds of whispers), Jousha Whitestone(who seemed to be rivals with Rose Blackstone) and Eleanor Selwyn.

Slytherin got Astoria Greengrass, Gwendolyn Shetty, William Harper, Jeremiah Roiser, Vivienne Yaxley, Mason Sayre, Mauve Max, Jennifer Salter, Gabriel Macmillan, and Tobias Flint.

Dumbledore was about to do his speech before there was a loud rumble overhead. The enchanted ceiling then reflected a flying car, along with the Boy Who Lived and Ronald Weasley.

"Well that's an entrance." Morag said bluntly.

"Five galleon's Dumbledore will let them off easy." the Girl Who Died said.

"Deal." Morag grinned.

That is today's chapter. I hope you enjoyed it.

I Will Not DieOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora