The Next Horcrux

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Third Person POV

"My scar." Harry began.

"The diary." Ivan said next.

"The ring." Harmonia added.

"Hufflepuff's cup." Megan recited.

"Slytherin's locket." Morag finished the list.

"Just two more to go then we find the bastard and we kill him." Rhaenyra murmured.

"I had a vision." Luna said. "Of a snake and a diadem."

"Ravenclaw's lost diadem." the Wise Raven murmured.

"And the snake?" Neville asked confused.

"It was large and roughly twelve feet long. And as thick as a man's thigh." the Lovegood girl elaborated.

"Well, I can see if I can convince the Grey Lady to talk. You guys check the Room of Requirement, it's the best place to hide something in all of Hogwarts." Harmonia said.

"Got it, good plan Harmonia." the Boy Who Lived smiled.


Rhaenyra, Harry, Ivan, Neville, Luna, Morag, and Megan all made their way to the Room of Requirement.

Rhaenyra placed a hand on the wall and whispered. "I need a place to hide anything."

Nothing happened but the door opened, to reveal the Room of Hidden Things.

They grouped entered and split up into groups—Rhaenyra and Ivan, Neville, Harry, and Luna, and Morag and Megan— and proceed to began searching.

Three minutes after they began looking, Ivan grabbed Rhaenyra and pulled her close, quickly placing a hand over her mouth and hiding behind a large closet.

"Rhae shut it. It's Draco." Ivan hissed as Rhaenyra squirmed in escape attempts. That caused the Queen of Dragons to go still.

Ivan carefully let her and Rhaenyra hissed. "I'm going to talk to him. Go find the diadem."

The Black Raven gave her a concerned look but reluctantly left. Rhaenyra grabbed a thin wand and walked close to Draco, before snapping it.

Draco screamed and jumped.

"Why the hell are you fixing a vanishing cabinet?" Rhaenyra drawled casually, but her dark violet eyes were as cold and sharp as amethysts.

"Rhaenrya—, apologies, Heiress Black, I need you to leave me alone." Draco said. Rhaenyra just grabbed his arm and rolled up his sleeve, revealing a Death Eater mark.

"Draco. You a five seconds to start talking or I'll kill you here and now." Rhaenyra said coldly.

Knowing that this was the girl who had killed two basilisks at age twelve, Draco began.

"I had no choice. Voldemort needed more recruits and Dad made me do it, despite mom's protests. He gave me this task: assassinate Dumbledore by the end of the year. This cabinet will let me bring in Death Eaters into the school if I fix it." the Malfoy Heir explained.

"...Draco, me and my friends are trying to kill Voldemort. We're going after Horcruxes—his soul containers. I need you to be my spy and I swear on our blood ties I will not inform the ministry that you're a Death Eater. I expect Lucious to be dead before you're twenty and for you to remember the promise Lucius made Uncle Cygnus: the head of House Malfoy will obey the head of the House of Black." Rhaenyra explained.

"What can I do to help?"

"Since its currently October, you have time. We're hunting down the sixth Horcrux right now, the seventh one is a giant snake." Rhaenyra said.

"Nagini?" Draco said.

"Kill Nagini Draco or bring her to Ragnarok and I'll protect you and Narcissa if Lucius gets caught." the Shadow Queen drawled.

"Deal." Draco said and they shook hands.


Luna had found the diadem and it was promptly burned by Ragnarok.

Harmonia had had no luck with the Grey Lady but since they found the Horcrux and killed it, it was a minor loss.

"My scar." Harry began.

"The diary." Ivan said next.

"The ring." Harmonia added.

"Hufflepuff's cup." Megan recited.

"Slytherin's locket." Morag chipped in.

"Ravenclaw's diadem." Luna finished the list.

"One more to go and then we kill the bastard." the Girl Who Died smiled.

That is today's chapter. I hope you enjoyed it.

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