Loathe Lockhart

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Third Person POV

"Well, Morag you can pay up now." the Queen of Dragons smirked at the newest member of the Shadows.

Morag grumbled but handed over the five galleons as the Boy Who Lived and the Ginger Lion walked into the Great Hall.

"Anyways, you wanna bet on our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher?" Neville asked.

"Five galleons it's going to be a test about himself and today's class will fail spectacularly." Rhaenyra said without missing a beat, stroking Ragnarok's heads.

"Deal." Ivan, Harmonia, Megan, and Morag said. Neville wisely stayed out of the bet.

"So did Gryffindor throw a party for Boy Wonder?" the Lestrange Heir sneered.

"No but they did lose 150 points. This is why I'm trying to transfer out of Gryffindor." Harmonia seethed. Shadow jumped up into his mistress lap and Harmonia began to stroke him.

"Wow. That has to be a new record." Megan said, looking up from the Daily Prophet.

"I think I'll join you." Neville said to Harmonia. "Hufflepuff sounds more ideal to me."

When they saw the Howler, the Shadows swiftly fled to the Great Hall, comparing time tables for the year and satisfied with their schedules.


After Potions class, with only Ivan, Rhaenyra, Megan, Susan Bones, Hannah Abott, and Morag getting the perfect results, it was Transfiguration.

Of course an ambitious third year Ravenclaw tried to jump her but Flitwick had regularly come over during the summer, so she had learned twenty new jinxes, hexes, curses, and spells.

Transfiguration with the Lions was its normal lessons. Turning a solid wood block into a chunk of silver, with only a half a dozen students with the Princess of Fire and Morag among them completing the task.

"How was DADA like?" Morag asked Neville and Harmonia. Wordlessly, Harmonia passed over five galleons to the Girl Who Died, a furious look on her face.

"The man is a fucking fraud." she hissed, livid. "Can't you get Ragnarok to burn him?"

"Sadly not unless he does something that threatens me." the purple eyed girl said sadly.


"Miss Black-Targaryen! I see you have a dragon! I must say when I had one I—"

Was it bad that Rhaenyra wasn't sad to use "Vestimenta luto." one the blonde DADA, turning his clothes into mud.

"Miss Black-Targaryen! Now you see I did teach her that spell-"

"1. Its Heiress Black. And 2: Drakarys." the black and silver haired girl snapped.

The blonde fraud was sent to the infirmary with multiple dragon fire burns.


"In hindsight I prefer garlic." Morag deadpanned, staring around had the freshly repaired pictures and books of Gilderoy Lockhart.

"Kill me if I do something like this." the Dark Dragon said.


Tuning about a majority of what the blonde fraud said, she looked down at the test.

1. What is Gilderoy Lockhart's favorite color?

Poop brown, which reflects his soul of not being able to do shit.

2. What is Gilderoy Lockhart's secret ambition?

To have actual talent and have the biggest ego on the planet.

3. What, in your opinion, is Gilderoy Lockhart's greatest achievement to date?

Making everyone on the British Isles believe he's legit. Nobody on mainland Europe or Ireland believes in this shit.

4. What is Gilderoy Lockhart's favorite food?


5. What is Gilderoy Lockhart's favorite drink?

The blood of unicorns

6. When is Gilderoy Lockhart's birthday and what would his ideal gift be?

December 28th and to get actual talent

This was the same answers... and Rhaenyra promptly let Ragnarok burn it.

"Miss Black-Targaryen!" Lockhart said scandalized.

"Heiress Black!" Rhaenyra called, leaving the room. "This is obviously so fucking fraud I can't fucking breath!"

Ivan and Morag did the same things.

That is today's chapter. I hope you enjoyed it.

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