🐙 Chapter 93

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"I refuse."

Y/N sighed as she lay down on one of the sofas in the Savanaclaw lounge. It was so relaxing out here, despite the fact that Leona seemed less than inclined to allow them to stay in the dorm while Yuu was trying to figure out how to obtain the picture from the museum. The way the water moved, falling gracefully from the waterfall and into the pool below, and the way that the moonlight shone down through the skylights. Everything was so soothing, and Y/n felt that she would fall asleep if she remained standing any longer.

The rough fabric of a comforter that had been carelessly thrown across the back of the sofa rubbed against a small section of bare skin on Y/N's back and she let out a quiet hum. Her arm moving sluggishly, she groped around for the comforter and pulled it over her body, cutting off the breeze that was coming from the mouth of the cave at the front of the dorm.

Despite the slumber that she felt creeping up behind her eyelids, Y/N tried her hardest to remain vigilant, listening in as her dormmates tried to negotiate with the dratted lion.

"You didn't have to answer so quickly," Jack sighed.

"We don't allow pets in this dorm, cause they'll shed everywhere," Leona said, glaring down at the small raccoon that was hovering around Yuu's feet.

"Bulls***," Grim yelled. "You've got way more hair than me!" Clearly the night was starting to get to them all and Y/N felt another wave of calm rolling over her shoulders, relaxing her body.

It sounded as if someone was singing to her, a familiar voice that caressed her heart with their words. The song too sounded quite familiar, as if she had been sung that very song once upon a time.

"Across the sea, a pale moon rises. The ships have come to carry you home. And all will turn to silver glass. A light on the water, all souls pass. Hope fades, into the world of night. Through shadows falling, out of memory and time." Y/N felt the ghost of fingertips along her cheekbones and she sighed at the feeling, wrapping her arms around one of the throw pillows and hugging it tight to her chest. Soon enough, she found herself struggling to stay awake and slowly succumbed, allowing the voice to lull her into a restful sleep.

"That is that, and this is this," Ruggie was saying.

"Pretty much," Leona said with a shrug. "We haven't cleaned the empty rooms in months and they've just become junk collectors for the residents. Where do you plan to put the three of them?"

Ruggie's eyes suddenly landed on Y/N's sleeping form and smiled, walking over to the sleeping girl while Jack and Leona tried to figure out where they were going to put the Ramshackle Dorm residents. He crouched down in front of the girl and poked her nose, testing to see if she was awake. When her only response was a strand of h/c hair falling over her eyes, Ruggie smirked. He lifted a gentle hand and pushed the hair out of her eyes, tucking it behind her ear before turning to the rest of the boys.

"I've got it. We can put them in Leona's room."


"Choose your words carefully, Ruggie," Leona warned. "You want your mouth sewn shut?"

"But Leona, you should be used to having servants in your room. If you make them take care of you it'll work as their payment. Then it's a win-win."

Leona stormed over to Ruggie and grabbed him roughly by the collar, forcing the smaller boy back a few paces. "Ruggie, why you..."

Ruggie held a finger to his lips and with the other hand pointed down at Y/N's sleeping figure. She had stirred slightly in her sleep and was now lying on her back, her hair spread out like a fan across the pillow.

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