Chapter 01

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"So? "

Jungkook's eyes fixated on the screen of the device that the CEO placed right on the desk in front of him. He pursed his lips as he saw the picture that's in the screen.

Him hugging a girl in a parking lot.

"Who are you with, Jungkook? " Bang pd asked whilst examining the idol's reaction but he got nothing as Jungkook remained calm and neutral.

It's not that Jungkook and the band are still in a dating ban or whatsoever. Truth is, they're free to date anyone as long as they're being careful. But in Jungkook's case, he and the woman he's with, are not being careful that's why a journalist caught them.

Bighit wasn't that strict when it comes to their artist, compared to other entertainment. In fact, they respect and treat their artist the best. They gave them freedom and of course, privacy which they're very grateful for.

"That" Jungkook points the screen with his index finger. "Is my cousin" He added, eyes leaving the device and look at the CEO with confused eyes.

The latter let an 'oh' whilst nodding his head, buying the idol's answer. If there's someone that is too attached to the entertainment, his career and of course, to the fans, that is Jungkook. So there is no way for Bang pd doubt Jungkook.

"I see" The CEO replied. "A journalist sent this, asking money in exchange of not releasing this article" The man added which made Jungkook nod his head in understanding.

That is not new to him actually so he wasn't surprised after hearing the the CEO had said.  Truth is, this always happen in every idols. Though, this is the first time that something like this happens to him. Mainly, in their group, it happens to either Jimin or Namjoon but they always deny it, saying it's just a friend or a relative.

The two exchanged words after that, mainly the CEO was the one talking, advising the idol to be very careful since they're on the top now and that all eyes are focused on them, waiting for them to do something that is scandalous.

Jungkook left the office afterwards, going back to the recording room as they're recording their very first single, that is written in all english, that will about to release two months from now.

"—I'm diamond, you know I glow up" Was the first thing Jungkook heard aside from the instrumental once he made inside the studio.

He sat on the long couch that was placed at the corner of the room, right where you can have a better view of the glass where the recording equipment are being placed.

He stared to his member that is recording his part behind the glass, his mind drifting back to his talk with their CEO and yo what he saw in the screen.

A wave of annoyance hit him as he frown upon remember the photo.

Why do they always follow them? Capturing every possible move they do and consult their entertainment about it afterwards?

Why they, idol's, can't have a normal life? It's not like Jungkook is complaining or something. Okay, maybe he's complaining, but seriously, why does idol can't have a normal life?

Yes, they're singing, performing in front of people and do things to make people like them. But can't they have a privacy? A space where they can put their private life?

Does being a musician or an artist, qualify no privacy? Where they can move freely? Sasaengs are already hard to handle and they're adding into it?

"What did Bang pd told you? " Jimin, who are now done with his part asked, breaking the youngest in his trance.

"Oh hyung, you done already? " Jimin nodded to the younger whilst still waiting for the latter's reply. "Nothing important actually" Jungkook answered. "He just asked me about a picture of me and my cousin"

Truth is, the girl in the picture wasn't his cousin, neither just a friend nor blood-related. No not at all because the girl in the picture is his wife.

His secret wife.

"Oh" Jimin nod his head then moved to another topic, asking the younger if he's already done with his part which Jungkook answered with a nod. Soon, they both walked out the recording studio, leaving the producer alone and made their way towards the dance practice to meet the others and their manager.

Before the two could even reach the practice, a phone call interrupted their conversation causing Jungkook to fish out his phone. A smile formed his lips once he saw the caller ID.

"Who's that? " Jimin tried to take a glimpse of the name but Jungkook immediately hid the phone in his side.

"My mom. I guess she'll scold me for rejecting her calls earlier" The younger answered nonchalantly which Jimin clearly believed.

"Okay, I'll go first then" It only  took a nod for Jungkook for Jimin to finally left him as he entered the practice room first.

Once Jungkook was sure that Jimin is inside, he walked a bit far from the door before answering his ringing phone.

"Hello? "

"Kookie" A smile immediately formed in the raven haired's lips just by hearing her voice. "I just want to know if you're going to spend your night at our house? "

Jungkook's smile grew impossibly wider. "I'm not really sure since we're in a tight schedule. Why? "

Truth is, Jungkook can't leave the dorm as he was required to sleep in there as they're in the middle of recording their single track and also the full album.

"I'm just... I don't want to sleep in our dorm, is all. But if you're too busy, it's fine. I'll just spend my night there"

The smile in Jungkook's face dropped as a sigh left his parted lips. "I'll try to ask manager-nim if I can—"

"Hey Kookie, it's fine. It's no big deal" The woman said, interrupting him which he didn't mind at all.

"I miss you" He blurted.

"I miss you more"

It's been what? Is it a week? Since they last saw each other and spend their time together? Jungkook really missed her.

They are both busy with their career and with their tight schedule, it's impossible for them to have time together.

"Anyway, I need to go. Good luck in your recording! I love you"

"I love you too"

Then the call ended. He stood there for a few minutes before he decided to go inside the practice room, where the others are waiting for him. He pursed his lips all the while doing a mental note to ask their manager for a permission to spend his night on his 'condo'.

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