Chapter 32

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So far, the show is going well which is Jungkook grateful for. They do lot of things, challenges and stuff before they proceeds questioning the idols.

The ravenette keeps on glancing at Lisa and without the girl knowing. Lisa is a professional artist, so she'd stick to what she was trained for. And that is to not interact to other idols unless they have to. And now, they don't have a reason to talk or smile to each other so Lisa stayed how the way she was trained.

Well, that was what Jungkook thought because everytime he looks away, Lisa would look at him in a not so obvious way. Like as if she was looking to other girl group on the other side which in reality, she was looking at the ravenette.

It's been a while since she last saw him. And she missed him. Very much so. She yearned for his warmth and touch. And seeing him there, she didn't know if she'd be happy and sad.

Happy that Jungkook is here but also sad with the fact that the other group is here. No, not the BTS but the other group, GFriend.

Basing from the last show they're both in, the viewers asked them to do sweet things together, and Lisa would be lying if she said she's not thinking that it will happen again in this show.

Jennie, who's sitting beside Lisa, reached for their maknae's hand and gave her a reassuring smile, squeezing her hand while doing so.

"I still can't believe that these three big groups are here" The blonde host said, looking at his brunette partner.

"Me too, mate. I still can't believe it even though we're in the last part of the show" The brunette replied, fanning the papers where the questions that will asked the idols are written, to his face as if it's hot which isn't. Or maybe it is because of the hot idols who are with them.

"But before we proceed mate, I want to congratulate Eunbi and Jungkook. " The host then gazed to the two particular idols. Lisa, along with her other members looked confused as they looked at them too. Especially to Jungkook and Eunbi who are smiling sheepishly. "Eunbi-ssi and Jungkook-ssi, come to the front please"

Lisa didn't left Jungkook's figure as the man stood up. Her expression puzzled, clueless of what's happening. Well, not really clueless since the memory of the 'eunkook' on the last show they're both in where the viewers asked for 'eunkook moments' crossed her mind. Jungkook looked at her causing their eyes to meet.

Lisa smiled while Jungkook didn't. Instead, he looked down and silently walked towards the front where the MCs and Eunbi already are.

Meanwhile, BTS' members looked unsure, though they nasked it with a smile. Not wanting to create an issue with a caption of 'BTS looking uncomfortable when Jungkook and his girlfriend called in front'. That issue will probably trigger another issue. A past issue to be exact since Lisa was in the same room as them.

They can't destroy the image Jungkook chose to be for Lisa with just that issue. So even though they're a but uncomfortable to it... Okay maybe they're really uncomfortable, especially Taehyung who was feeling the state he receives from his girlfriend on the other group, they smile and laugh when Jungkook would act shy. Though, they didn't tease the ravenette just like before, because they knew what's up behind the scenes, behind the cameras.

Lisa on the other hand didn't want to look at them. It's just, it feels not right. She's hurting thinking about the fans, favoring that ship. Wanting that ship to be true.

"You know, you can look away and pretend talking with me or just play with my hands to distract yourself" Lisa heard Jennie whispered close to her ear. She glance at her Jennie then smiled and nodded her head.

Lisa know that. She can pretend as if she was doing something so she can avoid looking at them, but that would be obvious. Especially when they were involved in an issue not too long ago. So despite the urge to look away, she didn't. She watch them so casually, just like what she trained for.

Besides, they're just a ship. A ship that don't exist. Jungkook is already taken and is married to her for five years now. So she shouldn't be hurting. Plus she's already carrying his children so she should calm down and act professional.

Jungkook looked back to his hyung and to her, Lisa again smiled. A smile saying that it's okay, that it won't affect her. And she is trying.

"For everyone who don't know" The blonde host said, standing beside Jungkook on the side to not block the other idols on the camera. "They're the most popular ship. " He added.

Lisa looked at Eunbi then back to Jungkook. I know. Indeed, she's very aware.

"And also the only ship that is actually real" The brunette added.

Lisa's brow furrowed. It wasn't intention, it actually moved on it's own as confusion written all over her face. Though, that only lasts for a split seconds as she was reminded that they're in front of many cameras and is being filmed. And let's not forget about the fact that it's live.

But deep in her mind, she was distracted. Confused at what the host just had said. Ship that us actually real? Did she heard it wrong or the host made a grammar error?

Lisa felt Jennie squeezed her hand while looking at her worriedly. But this time, Lisa can't smile. She's too confused and distracted to smile.

"Right, mate. For everyone who didn't know, Eunbi-ssi and Jungkook-ssi here was announced to be in a relationship imthe other day. And they started dating since... " The host looked at them, giving him the hint to continue his sentence.

"Last year" Eunbi answered sweetly with a polite smile.

"Wow, it must be tough hiding it on the public. One year is already long" The host commented and the two idol smiled as an answer.

Lisa on the other hand didn't know what to feel. She already tore her gaze from them whilst doing her best to calm herself and stayed focus.

She's overwhelmed. She's disappointed, feeling betrayed, sad. A lot of emotions are mixing on her system which isn't good.

Her breath hitching, heart breaking. Tears wanted to come out from her eyes but she's doing her best to hold it in.

Maybe that's the reason why he was distant...

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